Anonymous ID: d46d05 March 11, 2022, 7:24 a.m. No.15838406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8417 >>8500 >>8806


Get Over Christianity By Understanding It

by Dr. Mark Fulton


The book concludes that the Old Testament is largely fabricated, is profoundly immoral, and has been the primary cause of much human suffering and ideological baggage.


Fulton thinks that Jesus may have existed; yet that the man described in the Gospels is not a true depiction.


He thinks Jesus was probably a fundamentalist Jewish zealot, and not a Christian, and that Jesus had no delusions that he was the Son of God, and no wish to die for humanity’s sins. Instead, Fulton has Jesus as a hopeful Jewish messiah who tried to start a war with the Roman garrison in Jerusalem, yet was outmanoeuvred and crucified before his ambitions had a chance to come to fruition.


Decades after Jesus’ death, the Roman government may have used the memory of Jesus the zealot to help create a new god, the Christ. Jesus was depicted, paradoxically, as a benign passive preacher and a willing taxpayer. Fulton considers the New Testament not as the Word of God, but as Roman government propaganda.


Fulton thinks that religion then, as now, was used for political purposes, and that the government created Christianity to control trouble-causing Jews by claiming their Messiah had already been and gone. The book portrays Saint Paul, the real originator of Christian theology, as a paid government employee and an over imaginative charlatan.


The book reveals why the Vatican’s story of a Pope Peter in Rome is a crass fiction.Fulton postulates that in the fourth century, when militant Jews were no longer a threat, the Roman government under Constantine realised that Christianity, with its ecclesiastical hierarchy, could prove a useful ally when it came to crowd control.

Anonymous ID: d46d05 March 11, 2022, 7:28 a.m. No.15838430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8444 >>8632


It's a hard pill to swallow when you realize we literally have no control over our destiny and that our collective futures are in the invisible hands of unknown people.


The best we can do is avoid their prisons, keep our heads down, and pretend to not care about our collective slavery.

Anonymous ID: d46d05 March 11, 2022, 7:44 a.m. No.15838574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8582


I can believe that.

Warp Speed was a bullet to Trump's head.

He who controls the Forces, control the Force.

Force = Power

Might makes right….and all that God of War worship shit.

Anonymous ID: d46d05 March 11, 2022, 7:57 a.m. No.15838692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8899


>Fulton has Jesus as a hopeful Jewish messiah who tried to start a war with the Roman garrison in Jerusalem, yet was outmaneuvered and crucified before his ambitions had a chance to come to fruition.


Did you not read the whole thing?


The militant Jews were in revolt against Roman rule. They ultimately lost in 70AD when Pagan Rome defeated Jewish Jerusalem and destroyed the 2nd Temple. Jewish Jerusalem was divided into different sects, including; Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Gnostics, Copts and others.


Herod didn't kill Jesus. He was condemned top death by the High Priest of Jews.


Caiaphas served as the Jewish high priest in the Jerusalem temple and president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Jesus Christ’s death. Caiaphas accused Jesus of blasphemy, which led to his death sentence by crucifixion.


Caiaphas was in charge of the temple treasury, controlled the temple police and lower-ranking priests and attendants, and ruled over the Sanhedrin. His 19-year tenure implies that the Romans, who appointed the priests, were pleased with his service.


Follow the money…