Meanwhile…Back at the ranch….
I wonder if we're setting the stage for that Tarmac tape?? VJ is one of the major players, and guys, people did NOT know who she was. NO clue.
Obama is their God, Hillary their Goddess. It's ALL about them.
Nice try.
The hardest part is waiting for the public to catch up;.
LOL!! Even the drug forums that I have been involved with for many years are blowing up about VJ right now.
THIS is what we NEED. We need people talking about WHAT MATTERS. Gotta get ATTENTION first, THEN the Truth can play it's part.
Oh…but it will.
For now. All they can do is scream. Who's listening?? And every time they step in it like this. we win. This is war. Gotta take one hill at a time. I hate the shit too.
Well we all know Twatter and @jack are shit, but this helps bring things to Light. I hear you though Anon. I've hated the media for 30+ years now, but we are SO close.
'''The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clinton machine is the Press, The Corporate media."- DJT