There are many pages of emails at both those email address for VJ. However, correction on one of the email addys should be rather than org.
The shadow government is being run by Ben Rhodes (one of the top guys). Remember to keep an eye on that sleeze-ball too. His twitter is here and you can see the venom he has for @POTUS Further, he and VJ were buddy buddy in Obummer's circle too.
https ://
Dept. of Interior report was scathing.
Pg. 23
Pg. 25
Pg 31
WOW-Dept. of Labor audits were very bad too. Many arrests made-Draining the SWAMP!!!
https ://
To the clock anons-has anyone ever taken @RealDJT tweets and referenced them to clock deltas?
Sorry here is the correct sauce for the article
http ://
More sources:
https ://
http ://
https ://
https ://
Thanks Anon!