msm dems played USALL just right for BHO.
evil well played.
Still, truth will set us free.
Share it.
Happy trails to the adventurous,
safety for the parents,
luck and blessings to the good.
Right now is a good time for extreme easy
sauce that snopes is fakenews memes.
Snopes is fake, evidence: _ _ _ etc/
i don't trust Snopes, but no direct sauce at
hand, iwill be thinking of 1turnkey to show
for enjoyment. SnopesTummy exposed,
strike with your might, test your tools.
Can we put some good news about these
subjects such as NK Nuclear, bad Trade Deals,
VA Choie, the Economyโฆ? For POTUS/Q?
Memes that show the good of POTUS efforts
and how bad people are trying to spin it and
anger the American people.
There is nothing but negative out there
against our country and President.
But there is also good results.
Up to USALL to show them because MSM
will not.
i suggest in your spare time, meme something
positive for POTUS and ask your
followers to twt it for you. Share it best you
can. Battle bad news with good news, expose
easy corruption, expose msm. Overcome
evil with good. Gh.