"Behind the door of all doors"
refers to a place behind our usual space -
a transition to the lost mysticism of everyday life.
The piece, merging video and sound,
eliminates connections between the senses' common
attributions and opens a door to associations,
to a space between reality and fiction -
it's the place behind the door leading to all doors.
It is light, power, space, memory, and risk –
a transcendental falling –
standing at the threshold to the unknown
I Dance Across All Boundaries
And Through all Gateways,
And Foregoing the Forbidden
And the Unknown Into a New Reality
'I am' Consciousness,
the silent witness of the actions of Nature.
I am not the performer.
This body acts according to its nature,
because that is its nature.
Remembering this,
ONE among the audience
in a theater watching
the drama of life.
I am a free
multidimensional being.'