if you are a mason, not even death will set you free (even when this is one of the several options trump has in mind to get rid of you scum).
the only thing that can save you is if you follow me and do what I tell you to do.
if you see me but go against me, there is nothing I could tell you to give you hope, bc it would be false hope.
no matter what you did, if you truly follow me, I will save you and (given that many follow) very concrete I can make the world forgive you.
if you think you could just from time to time annoy me, be amazed that I am still around and think you are saved by attacking me and then going back to following mason bs, you will be lost.
and fuck every anon posting or lurking that is a mason cunt and cowartly acts his role.
if you are brave, you reply and state my date of birth, bc you see and hear me anyway, if you post or lurk and do not post my date of birth, you will be lost for all time and I will never ever offer to save you again.
anons, lurkers, this is your one time chance.
and I am sure not a single one will use that chance. and guess what, I am ok with it. it´s up to you. it breaks my heart but I will reject you all if that is the best way to save others.
(and me saying it makes it the best way anyway, my way.)