stupid liberal bitch- share holders should sue FB
youtube will ban it and so will fake book
although as typical there will not be anything earth shattering in this interview other than a repeat of rally talking points. So someone pls watch and summarize.
God Bless the truckers and keep them safe from harm and may the path to success be swift and bright light lightning for all to see.
maybe the trucks in the outlier highways are to jam up the roads to keep (((them))) in DC and force them into using the trains to get around.
since anon lost job to globalism and age discrimination 6 years ago this anon cannot afford to fly anymore. boycotting is easy when you are poor. Also labor shortage is a myth. If tehre was a shortage- there would be alot more interview requests like more than 0.
i am keeping my friday feel goods in check because next week it's going to be two steps back. Because exposure is one thing, doing something about what was exposed is another.
who is doing the wiping? LOL