Anonymous ID: aa7dd7 March 11, 2022, 3:15 p.m. No.15842639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2655


Anon, some might say that you should take your dollars right now, today, and find any form of physical silver you can, and pay whatever they ask for it. Just watched a top silver guy say that with Russia being kicked out of SWIFT on Monday, we could wake up then and see $300 silver, even as the major dealers are just about out, with nothing much in the pipeline. This is not even a stretch. Who knows if it will happen next week, or later. But happen it will, and that's just for bare starters. All the stars are lined up to end the 170 year suppression of the silver price. It's the perfect storm, and AG is the linchpin that holds together the fraudulent system of the dark side. The world we knew is over…just a question of what will replace it.

Anonymous ID: aa7dd7 March 11, 2022, 3:23 p.m. No.15842708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2754


How will they seize it if they don't know about it? Or if people say hell no, get bent. The way the gold confiscation worked in the thirties was that a certain percentage of plebs went along with it and turned in their shiny. Not gonna happen this time.


We are in the segue into the new system, which reasoning people think will involve crypto and PMs. White hats are glad IMO to see the dark system about to implode. Gonna bring down the whole diseased temple, yes? So autists should adapt and overcome! This is done by being cause rather than effect. Get ahead of the game in the last short time.


Only 1 American in 200 has metal. That's how crazy, lunatic, barking mad this nation has become. They BELIEVE the low IQ liars on TV. And hey, everyone else is in moronic dollar denominated things like 401Ks. "Not gonna go against the herd, any more than I did when we all wore masks and obediently took a death shot or 3." Trust me, anon, I have warned them for a full 50 years, and been mocked to my face. This is their very last (and undeserved) opportunity. They're on their own now.

Anonymous ID: aa7dd7 March 11, 2022, 3:30 p.m. No.15842754   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But that 1 in 200 who stacked? He will be King, and of a wider circle than just 200. This is why I tell anons to think big. People with intelligence, morality and guts will be able to make a huge difference going forward. Providing jobs and giving people hope.