You need to frame that ID.
The only winning move is not to play.
Is Soros putting Xi on Team Trump through the backdoor?
So I was right the first time and the CBS wx dude was wrong. Btw, Tamitha Skov is who refer to for high brow sh*t I don't understand.
Looks like Pi day (3/14) should be good show.
First cap is the xray flux right after the pop (near relativistic) the second one is 24 hours later. Yeah, it's a nice sized package inbound.
Good webpage with several aurora cams for those that like to see them. Should be crazy about 48 from now more or less.
Grammar Kitty appears when the kek calls. Never before, never after, always at just the right moment.
Here's why. Russians are mostly white Christians, like Americans.
The east Asians are their preferred slaves.