Bring forward from last bread - credit to anon who posted
Bring forward from last bread - credit to anon who posted
Oh God. Not even gonna watch that whole thing. Disgusting
Isnt there a rap video like this?
case anyone wants to watch Ukraine wake up this morning
Why does he ALWAYS look like I want to slap him
So this dropped tonight. Great timing and very interesting. Touches on Khazaria/Khazars. It is also pretty short
I'm sorry, anon. WA state is literally one of the worst states right now.
Can you move? Do you even want to?
By clients, do you mean the animals or their owners?
Very sorry that you're having such a hellish time
KEK! bet they have an intern whose sole job is to block people on Twitter right now. Probably getting lots of overtime
If you can weather the storm, the tide WILL turn
Just impossible right now to say when that will happen. I Inslee will eventually go down for all those nursing home deaths he caused - murders, really
I get the people - overvaccinated in WA. But the dogs? What is causing the deaths?
Agreed. Charges and then execution
Until people see actual executions for this shit nothing will ever change
Yeah. The truth is worse than the fictions they show us in movies to scare us
I had a dog die of cancer a few years back - schnauzer. They seem prone to it. Mom has had 3 schnauzers. None related to each other but all 3 dies of cancer
Now I have an 8 yr old shelter reject and she is healthy as she can be
Don't gack me, bro
I only allow rabies vaccine and only because it is required. She got a UTI and im giving her cranberry/d-mannose rather than the antibiotics the doc wanted her to have
I am surprised anyone would put their dog through chemo. Seems really cruel
ever heard of the Mobius Continuum?