Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:02 p.m. No.15845549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5554 >>5559


''(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Which couple was photographed covered in gold?

The public release was a mistake.

Who released the picture?

Who has all the information?

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?




What color was the Sarcophagus in SG-1?

Who used a Sarcophagus in SG-1?

Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:10 p.m. No.15845578   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bryce Mitchell will dig his boots in the Arkansas soil and fight for the people that he loves, the land that he loves, and the way of life that he loves.

Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:35 p.m. No.15845660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5676 >>5751 >>5900

Shooter Who Killed Innocent Trump Supporter in Denver — Charges Were Dropped


In October 2020 an innocent Trump supporter was shot dead in Denver. The shooter was filmed killing the man in cold blood. Yesterday, charges in Denver were dropped against the shooter.


Matthew Dolloff’s attorney, Douglas Richards, said the Denver District Attorney’s Office informed him by phone Thursday that prosecutors would dismiss the charge at a pre-trial hearing March 21. Dolloff did not face any other charges in the case.


“They just said they don’t believe they can prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt based upon the evidence,”


"Here's More on the Shooter Who Killed Innocent Trump Supporter in Denver – Charges Were Dropped"

Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:38 p.m. No.15845673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751 >>5900

How Russia’s Top Propagandist Foretold Putin's Justification For The Ukraine Invasion Through This Dramatic Film

“Putin’s chef” Yevgeny Prigozhin’s network of state media sites used commissioned Cameo videos from Donald Trump Jr. and Rudy Giuliani to publicize another film that reimagines Russia’s role in the 2016 election.

March 11, 2022


In August 2021, a film company associated with Russia's propaganda machine released Blazing Sun, a war film that glorifies Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea and has helped seed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s justification for invading Ukraine last month. The film depicts Russian mercenaries as saviors who prevent Ukraine’s government from committing a genocide against its own people — mirroring Putin’s claim that he invaded Ukraine in order to “prevent genocide” and “denazify” the country.


It’s just the latest example of a reality-bending new species of Russian propaganda that now includes dozens of videos of Ukrainian attacks on Russian citizens that appear to be faked, videos depicting a joint raid by the FBI and NYPD of a New York movie theater that the venue says never happened, and repurposed Cameo videos of Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump Jr. unwittingly congratulating a fictional film character on his achievements.


The man behind the camera: Yevgeny Prigozhin, an oligarch also known as “Putin’s chef,” who was recently sanctioned by the US and the EU for helping lead “a disinformation war against Ukraine.” His apparent motivation: to influence the course of Russia’s future by rewriting its past.


One of Putin’s close confidants, Prigozhin is believed to have been at the forefront of Russia’s disinformation apparatus since at least 2013. The FBI has put him on its Most Wanted list because he “allegedly oversaw and approved” the “political and electoral interference operations” of the country's infamous troll factory, the Internet Research Agency. He has also been linked to the Russian mercenary group Wagner, which European security officials believe helped lay the groundwork for last month’s invasion. Last week, the US Treasury Department added Prigozhin’s wife, daughter, and son to the list of Russian elites sanctioned for disinformation efforts around the Ukraine invasion. The role of his films in Russia’s propaganda offensive, meanwhile, has largely gone unexamined.


Since mid-2020, the St. Petersburg–based film company Aurum LLC, which lists Prigozhin as co-owner on Russian business records, has produced at least seven feature films that use Hollywood production techniques to fictionalize Russia’s global exploits. The Shugaley trilogy, for example, claims to tell the true story of Maxim Shugaley, who was arrested in Libya in 2019 for allegedly working to elect the fugitive son of fallen dictator Muammar Gaddafi. The trilogy portrays Shugaley as a beleaguered sociologist fighting for freedom against a corrupt regime. This narrative was later adopted by Russia’s foreign ministry, which used it to advocate for Shugaley’s eventual release in late 2020.



Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:40 p.m. No.15845679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5689

War on Intelligent Society


In the years immediately following their accession to power in 1917, the Bolsheviks took measures to prevent challenges to their new regime, eliminating the "Intelligent" who were naturally opposed to Bolshevism. This Bolshevik communist 'love for humanity and appreciation for an intellectual discussion' are penned into this letter by Lenin:


"It isn't a sin to jail such 'men of talent' for short periods if that's what it takes to prevent plots (such as the one at Krasnaia Gorka)"


"…the educated classes, the lackeys of capital, who consider themselves the brains of the nation. In fact they are not its brains but its shit."


"I told you, you let yourself be surrounded by the worst elements of the bourgeois intelligentsia, and you give in to their whining."


"We pay above-average salaries to those 'intellectual forces' who want to bring [our] learning to the people (rather than toadying to capital). That is a fact."


Lenin. (1919). Letter from Lenin to Gorky.

Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:45 p.m. No.15845690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751 >>5900

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine - day 12 of the War: Review, Analysis and Predictions

8 Mar 2022


As of Saturday, 7 March 2022, it has been 12 days since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. After a yearlong period of building up its forces along Ukraine’s borders, Russia has commenced on a full scale invasion of Ukraine. Within the first 12 days of the war Russian forces have advanced rapidly, but neither military nor political victory is within sight. The war has followed a largely predictable course with few major surprises, yet nevertheless the Russian war effort is unusual for a number of reasons. I would like give a recap of the war thus far with analysis, and offer predictions of how the war will play out going forward.


Background to the Conflict


This war is the culmination of nearly a decade of Russian-Ukrainian tensions that began following the 2014 Maidan Revolution. The revolution brought to power a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kiev. The revolution caused grave fears in Russia that Ukraine would join NATO, and become a base for American military forces and their activities aimed against Russia. Russia’s immediate response was to seize the Crimean Peninsula and sponsor a war in the Donbass region between the Ukrainian government and Russian separatists. The 2015 Minsk II Agreement attempted to end the conflict with reforms to the Ukrainian constitution, but these reforms did not materialize. Ukraine continued and deepened its security relationship with the United States and NATO, while Russia became increasingly impatient and fearful of American influence over its neighbor. The Kremlin eventually ran out of patience it seems. Believing a diplomatic solution to be less and less likely, it began a massing of military forces along the Ukrainian border in the spring of 2021. In the winter of 2021 saw a further massing of forces near Ukraine, along with Russia issuing an ultimatum to NATO. Many of the demands were non-starters, for example, Russia demanded NATO to withdrawal its forces back to where they were stationed in 1997.


January and February 2022 saw a continuing buildup of forces, including Russian military deployments to Belarus, to the north of Ukraine. By the middle of February, up to 200,000 Russian soldiers were assembled across the Ukrainian border. Following a weekend of a marked increase in fighting between Ukrainian and separatist forces in the Donbass, Russia announced the recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on February 21st. Finally, in the early hours of the morning of February 24th Ukrainian border posts came under attack, followed by Russian missile strikes across Ukraine. Shortly afterwards Russian forces poured forth into Ukraine.


The Russians are invading Ukraine on four main axes of advance. In the north from Belarus, Russian forces are advancing south along both side of the Dnieper River to Kiev. To the east, from the Oblasts of Bryansk and Kursk, Russian forces have advanced westwards in the direction of Kiev and the Ukrainian border city of Sumy. Further south, from Belgorod, Russian forces have advanced on Kharkov, the second largest city in Ukraine. Armed forces of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics have advanced north and west, respectively. In the south, Russian forces have advanced northwards out of Crimea, splitting into two groups going northwest and northeast. Contrary to what some have been saying, Russian armed forces have been very successful thus far, for the most part. The greatest successes have been realized in southern Ukraine by the Russian forces advancing north out of Crimea. The advance south from Belarus against Kiev has been mostly successful. The Russians seem to have run into substantial problems only in the offensive on the Belgorod - Kharkov axis, but this is likely something they predicted could occur.



Anonymous ID: 0959d8 March 11, 2022, 11:49 p.m. No.15845700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5718

Is Russia Losing?


Another common narrative which quickly sprung up is that Russia is either losing the war, or at the very least severely under performing in its military operations. By looking at the map and seeing the full extent of Russian gains in the south and north, this is clearly not true. This is especially true in the north at Kiev, where in just over 24 hours the Russians had established a forward position in Kiev’s suburbs. Normally, if the enemy reaches the gates of your capital city within just over 24 hours, the war is as good as lost.


Nevertheless, it is fully understandable why this line of thinking has emerged. Looking at the Russian military as a whole, it has far more firepower than the Ukrainians, especially so in aviation and standoff missiles. Considering how overwhelming Russian firepower potentially is, it is curious they have not advanced further than they have, especially so on the Kharkov axis. This is because Russia has not been using all the firepower it has available, such as rocket artillery and fixed wing aircraft. Since the war began, Russia has been essentially fighting with one arm tied behind its back. There are several reasons why this is.


First, why is Russia limiting its use of fixed wing aircraft? This is because America is providing radar and signals intelligence to Ukraine, and combined with Ukraine’s extensive air defense network, it is simply too dangerous for Russia to fully employ its air force. Normally, Russia would be able to detect Ukrainian radar stations and target those radars with anti-radiation missiles. With the radars neutralized, the Ukrainian anti-air system would be effectively blind. The Russian air force could then establish air superiority and fully employ their ground-attack aircraft. After years of what was essentially live-fire practice in Syria, the Russian air force is very capable in assisting ground operations and would have a decisive effect against Ukrainian forces. Yet, this has not happened, the Ukrainians are not even turning on their radars. Instead American and NATO airborne early warning planes are flying near enough to the Ukrainian border in Polish and Romanian airspace where they can detect any activity by the Russian air force. They then feed this intelligence to the Ukrainians. There is a BBC news report video of this on YouTube if anyone would to see it, the plane itself is quite interesting link.