Anonymous ID: 59f0c1 March 11, 2022, 10:38 p.m. No.15845459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751 >>5900

Some BDanon posts, was brought back to be here during this time. According to him its world changing events in many way. Just ignore if you have no interest. A lot of interesting posts

Anonymous ID: 59f0c1 March 11, 2022, 11 p.m. No.15845544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5565 >>5570 >>5628

>>15843731 anon forecasts Zika outbreaks in Florida and 4 California counties (i’m in mid GA)


I hope everyond is aware that Gates released the zika virus or worse with the mosquitos (that was previously harmless) was released by Gates mosquitos. I got bit by them last May or June 2021 and still have serious itching and scabs that never heal. Still on my ankles.


I’ve been taking HCQ for a couple of months, they still are not healing. But overall I’m feeling better. The outbreaks all over my back and stomach are shocking these paraites bore in deep.


I actually felt like I was dying had severe breathing and digestion problems (which Ive never had); before I started taking HCQ, but my body is slowly detoxing. Jsyk my body has always healed quickly, this has lasted way too long to be normal.


Gates needs to be judged and his final judgement should be a public death.

Anonymous ID: 59f0c1 March 11, 2022, 11:42 p.m. No.15845686   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anon advice if it can help


Before you even get out of bed, pray to God and visualize for an invincuble forcefield of protection surrounding you on both side 4’ in both directions.


Visualuze and intense blue shield on the outside (like an invincible coat of armor) within visualize an intense brilliant white light that burns any impurities that may sneak though.


And inside your body visualuze a brilliant pink/rose flame of love. Repeat in Gods name I live myself as much as God loves me.


Do it for as long as you can and tajes to get out of bed. If you get distracted go back to the point you lost contact.


During this time, Visualize all of this light coming ftom heaven entering your head through your crystal cord, flooding you with Gods saving grace.


You dont have to believe, just pactice it knowing you and everyone has access to the light of God.


PS: go to a health food store and buy a couple of bottle of Natural5HTP(10 mg if available), its just an amino acid, you can take it 3 or more times a day. Youve got to get your setotonin up,(antidepressants dont really help). Take this natural supplement, I take it daily due to low serotonin having ADD, it really helps. It could take two -three weeks to kick in.


For the panic and anxiety take the natural supplementKava Kava, its as effective as benzodiazepines (xanax etc). I’ve taken Kava Kaba for many years (no bad side effects or addiction).


You don’t have to suffer so badly with your condition, there are natural things thet could help.


I am not a doctor, if you are under a dictors care ask him/her to decide if these can hekp you.


A therapist told both of these were a good replacement if i didnt want actual drugs


God bless Anon and I hope this recommendations helps you

Anonymous ID: 59f0c1 March 12, 2022, 12:05 a.m. No.15845742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5790 >>5813


Amazing, many think they want to end it but there’s always something or someone to live for.


I’ve had two family members take their lives and the burden we carry is tremendous, what could we have done better etc. And I dont think the soul is much better off

Anonymous ID: 59f0c1 March 12, 2022, 1:06 a.m. No.15845893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5900

12 Mar, 2022 05:49

HomeRussia & Former Soviet Union

US won’t track citizens who travel to Ukraine to fight (this is a lie the US will always track people, anon opinion)

The State Department has discouraged Americans from traveling to Ukraine, but said it won’t stop them


Washington has no plans to keep track of US citizens who volunteer to fight for Ukraine amid the ongoing Russian attack, the State Department said, warning, however, that such trips can result in “capture or death.”


“When Americans travel abroad they are not required to register with the Department of State in any way, so these are not metrics we would track,” State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters on Friday, when asked how many Americans have traveled to Ukraine amid Kiev’s recruitment campaign for a “foreign legion.”


Price noted that the US government still urges Americans to avoid going to Ukraine, but suggested no action would be taken against those who opt to do so.


The spokesman went on to say that travel to Ukraine poses “risks to personal safety,” and that US citizens “should be aware that Russia has stated that it intends to treat foreign fighters in Ukraine as ‘mercenaries’ rather than as lawful combatants or prisoners of war.”


Washington, nevertheless, expects Moscow to “respect all of its obligations and law of war,” Price noted, warning of “potential attempts at criminal prosecution” and a “heightened risk for mistreatment” for the American “volunteers.”


The comments follow reports that around 100 Americans had been screened to join Kiev’s forces as they fight Russian troops after Ukraine explicitly called on foreign volunteers to join the conflict. Citizens from a number of other countries have also lined up to do the same. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that some 16,000 foreign fighters were expected to arrive in Ukraine last week.


Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following a seven-year standoff over Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.


Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.


Anyone stupid enough to believe this shit should not sign up to fight a war in a foreign country that they have no idea what is going on