Red-birds and blue-birds get along just fine, and never consider breeding one another.
Race-mixing, causes an identity crisis in children, in many cases. What is their heritage? Their culture? Their identity?
I am not racist. I am not supremacist… Is the red-bird? The blue-bird?
The square-block goes in the square-hole. The circle-block goes in the circle-hole. The white people go with the white people. The black with the black. And it's okay. If it were not this way, we would have no benefit of REAL diversity, which is the preservation of races and cultures. We would be an amorphous mass of brown-people, and the wonderful races of the world would be exterminated forever and ever.
Even a child knows, if you mix all the colors on your paint-palette, you no longer have the bright, beautiful colors…. Just the color of shit.
Does this mean that yellow hates green? That orange hates purple? No…
I remember hearing the dreaded "14 words" years ago, and thinking how beautiful of a notion is was…
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for OUR children (See how I changed that a bit? white our?)
A statement like this should be embraced by all people. It implies no hatred, but merely a wish to exist, and for our children to have a future… WHO THE FUCK DOESN'T WANT THAT? Because THAT is the asshole.