Anonymous ID: 702feb March 12, 2022, 3:33 a.m. No.15846170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6488 >>6516 >>6661

>>15845974 (pb)

>possible anon interviews in the future


It should be like peeling an onion for the interviewer. Begin shallow and avoid all Qs about, and refrain from going deeper yourself about Reptilian Pedophilian Pedovore Worldwide Central Banking Elite Family Bloodlines controlling the World. Have ready enough proofs to frustrate the Interviewer about the First Layer.


Think of this as a Marathon Relay Race and passing Baton to next autist anon to Begin on Second Onion layer….Rinse and Repeat. Demand that they first watch "The Plan to Save the World: (REMASTERED)" in order to provide Big Picture 40,000 Foot Overview.


This first layer might entail the introduction of the Bush/Schereff Family Transition. As the proofs are minimal for such a humungous red-pill perhaps just a teaser be employed here such as the U.S. winning the postwar battle dubbed Operation Paperclip where the OSS Mil Intel grabbed the lion's share of scientific and other experts who were forced/co-opted to or willingly worked for the Nazis. As one expert was friends with other experts in other fields, the ongoing race with the Soviets resembled the act of trying to pick one paperclip out of a pile. Magnetism and/or physical connections resulted in more than one being lifted. The OSS went big and harnessed the phenomenon. A natural result of this Operation was the subtle and not so subtle nazification of the young Military Industrial Complex and some of the U.S. Military officer corps and young cadre of civilian OSS and soon to be CIA agents.


Regardless of the actual background of the Bush Family Dynasty, it would be important in peeling back the first layer to summarize the 1933-1935 Business Plot planned coup d'etat undertaken by a number of captains of U.S. industry, a number of congressional members, including George Bush 41's father Senator Prescott Bush, and a number of the U.S. military still disgruntled with the back pay "bonus" issue of WW I. Most if not all of these men along with their Wall Street financiers were sympathetic to the rising Fascism in post-War I Germany.


Soon after the popular and disgruntled retired Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, a popular military figure of the time, joined this "Bonus Army" encampment in D.C., then President Hoover ordered the U.S. Calvary under Gen. MacArthur to destroy the Bonus Army's encampment in D.C.


The Business Coup Plotters attempted to form a fascist leaning military group as accomplices to the coup. When attempting to enlist Smedley Butler, Bultler turned and spilled all about the Plot publicly. The new FDR administration, fearful of creating a popular backlash by coming down hard on these traitors, instead dissolved the group with little or no prison time. The appeasement of this group of powerful fascists, including Senator Prescott Bush (R. Conn) merely paved the way for the next coup d'etat in Dealey Plaza, Texas in 1963. In the meantime, that incestuous and traitorous group of Military, Industrial and Central Bankers grew and consolidated immerse and unprecedented power in the smoke-filled back rooms and halls of power in D.C.


However, the truth about the much earlier Birth of the Federal Reserve by the determination and hard work of an agent of the European-American Central Bankers will be necessary in order to fully understand just how this Final Confrontation with the Central Banking Cabal actually came about.


Try to imagine one autist anon attempting to red-pill on all of the above in a single, or even a series of interviews. It would be impossible. Hence the need of an Anon Marathon Relay in describing the Plan, comprised on anon experts in each area along with hard hitting and susccinct videos and memeage.