Anonymous ID: cbc392 March 12, 2022, 2:28 a.m. No.15846061   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn

well, since kubrick, george, and southern are not around to ask, i guess we'll never know for sure…

but i had heard a number of sources say strangelove was based on john von neumann, and that seems a perfect fit.

Anonymous ID: cbc392 March 12, 2022, 2:37 a.m. No.15846075   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Yet the 'name' is mispelled

sorry, don't see it misspelled. YOUR interpretation. maybe the pen leaked. maybe his hand slipped. maybe he wrote it at an awkward angle. you ASSUME too much, think too little, and talk too often.

Anonymous ID: cbc392 March 12, 2022, 3:26 a.m. No.15846149   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6164 >>6172


>Once upon a time the Earth was a lot hotter than it is now, I wonder how all those dinosaurs caused global warming 65 million years ago, cars hadn't been invented yet…and how did they manage an ice age before they died?


dinosaurs didn't cause global warming or ice ages. all the carbon sequestered in fossil "fuels" was in the atmosphere before the dinosaurs. factually, the earth has been totally ice free for 95% of its 4.5 billion yr existence. ice ages are a recent development, not during the age of dinosaurs. and we are currently IN an ice age which began 1.3 million yrs ago, and if previous cycles are any guide, it will last another 700,000 yrs. until then, the glaciers will continue to advance and retreat in a shorter 15,000 yr cycle.

Anonymous ID: cbc392 March 12, 2022, 3:32 a.m. No.15846164   🗄️.is đź”—kun




this is shockingly accurate for a gov't website. if you want a more thorough account, find a graduate level textbook on paleoclimatology published before 1990 or even before 1980.