Wait, WHAT?!?! - Your Brain Parasite IS Making You Sick – Here’s Why
"More than 30 million Americans are infected with a brain parasite (Toxoplasma gondii) spread by cats and contaminated meat, but most will never show symptoms. A new discovery from the University of Virginia School of Medicine explains why, and that finding could have important implications for brain infections, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune disorders."
[ "Cat people" = brain parasites = Easily manipulated Democrats ]
ANON OPINES - I am starting to recognize a pattern that exposes most human maladies are related to parasites' of one form or another, and that many diseases and "conditions" are potentially CURED with drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin. This might explain why these established safe drugs are demonized once the public becomes aware of them. These simple, cheap, safe, generic drugs could end so much suffering that the Controllers rely on for power and profit.
[ People are the only "domesticated" mammals in America that are on any scheduled treatment for parasite infections. Why? If the article is right about 30-million infected, it makes even less sense. ]
"T. gondii has been shown to alter the behavior of infected rodents in ways that increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by felids.[7][8][9] Support for this "manipulation hypothesis" stems from studies showing that T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine.[7] Because cats are the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce to complete and begin its lifecycle, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite's reproductive success.[7] Rats that do not avoid cats' habitations will more likely become cat prey."
"The tissue cyst-forming coccidium Toxoplasma gondii is one of the more polyxenous parasites known to date. It has a facultatively heteroxenous life cycle and can probably infect all warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds) and humans. T. gondii is prevalent in most areas of the world and is of veterinary and medical importance, because it may cause abortion or congenital disease in its intermediate hosts. Because of its great importance as a causative agent of a zoonosis T. gondii has been studied most intensively among the coccidia. To date, more than 15 000 original research articles, more than 500 reviews, and several books and book chapters have been published on this parasite (Table 1). However, there are still many aspects of its biology, natural life cycle, and the epidemiology of T. gondii infections of which we know relatively little."