"Please share
The South Bend NAACP will be holding a press conference on Monday March 14, 2022 at 12:15pm. This press conference is to bring awareness of an incident that took place at the County City Building in the Voters Registration Office,
4th Floor on January 28, 2022. This incident was captured on video by a member of Justice for Michiana. We have completed our investigation, however, we feel it's imperative that
the community is aware of the possibility of information that might have been compromised.
We have provided a link below for viewing purposes.
Link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=413118490608955&id=100072994014635
Date: 03/14/22
Time: 12:15pm
Location: County City Building (outside of front doors)
Contact: Trina Robinson - President (574) 229-1659
Thank you"
PETE BUTTIGIEG City of South Bend