Update on Silver trash for cash activity-week of March 6th: $1.55B
>>15790939 pb Total Cash Payments for week of Feb 27th on COMEX Ag contracts: $2.45B
Adding in last weeks$2.45B gives a total of$4Bof cash delivered for paper COMEX contracts for 10 trading days-complete PANIC
See below the calculations on how arrived at
*Caveat the silver price is calculated using either the closing price of the day or the mid-point of the day-since they DO NOT report the actual transactions in any way. The amounts arrived at are an average of those prices and are not 100% accurate-the only ones who know that are the CME Group and the two "parties" (cough, JP Morgan and Bank of America) involved in the "private"-completely facilitated by the CFTC-transactions-..but it is pretty close as accurate as it can be without having exact pricing.
Thursdays activity was low in comparison to the other settlements : 220 contracts x 5,000/ozs= 1,100,000 ozs of paper silver using the closing price of $25.87= $28,457,000
Friday saw a total of 1,025 constracts x 5,000/ozs=5,125,000 ozs of paper silver using the closing price of $25.95=$132,993,750
Let's add up the weekly activity and then add it to last weeks total of: $2.45B
>>129666 pb $495.43
>>129822 pb $592.53
>>129925 pb $303.55
plus the above amounts from Thursday and Friday gives you:$1,552,960,750