Anonymous ID: 25e32c May 30, 2018, 4:19 a.m. No.1585530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5605

Good morning!

Seems like the stage is set.

VJ, long known as a swamp creature of the highest order is in the news, ie in the current scenes of the movie. I'm reading the news this morning to find out more about her, rather than digging exclusively. Her comments this week have been reported on for example. Stage is set.

Let's see, what is VJ saying this week?

"This should be a teaching moment." Geeze, are you actually Barack himself? How far did your arm fit up his ass while in the White House? How far can it fit now? Is there still room for Michael in there? Is that why he looks so pissed all the time?

On Trump and Kim Jong Un:

"I think we have no idea what's going through either of their minds, quite frankly, and that's what's a little terrifying."

Loss of control got you down VJ? Used to actually monitoring the thoughts of those in your employ? Good thing satan left the White House. You can stop trying to be a public figure now, the cabal certainly doesn't need you mucking up the waters with your clumsy signaling attempts. Go ahead and choke on the old blood you have saved up cause you aren't getting any more fresh shit. Can't wait for the future drops regarding your involvement with ms13. The images should be delicious bread filler.