Anonymiss ID: 5e829b Judge Dale (a retired federal judge) shares very inconvenient truths! May 30, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.1584907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5105 >>5216 >>5228 >>5234 >>5311 >>5517 >>5539

Judge Dale (a retired federal judge) shares very inconvenient truths!

The following information provided by Judge Dale (a retired federal judge) is extremely important for all Americans. Since the founding of our country, the 'elite' (and their robber baron partners) have fabricated our history, taken control of our economy and altered our form of government and legal system.



The politicians, prosecutors, judges, priests and clerks know the truth and many of them increase their personal spoils with every conviction! Yes, the Vatican, judges, prosecutors and clerks make money off of every conviction and lawsuit and their clearing house for all of these private spoils is located in the Texas Federal Reserve, under an account titled: “THE CRIS FUND!” Court Registry Investment System


Would it interest you to know that the FCC, CIA, FBI, IMF, NSA, IRS, OPM, ATF, DEA, NASA, INTERPOL, HS (Homeland Security) and all the other members of the alphabet gang are all privately owned corpo- rations and none of them are or ever has been an agency of “United States, Inc.”?


The United States government always held some stock in these corporations but never outright owned or controlled any of them? Their employees receive their paychecks from OPM 4, which belongs to the IMF, which is the property of the United Nations, which belongs to Israel and the royal and elite class of Europe! All of the alphabet gangs are now the registered property of the United Nations. Is it no wonder that President Wilson’s League of Nations never got off the ground and that out of 267 nations on the Earth only 71 are members of the United Nations?


Would it interest you to know that the first CIA Agency for the United States was completely staffed with former Nazi SS and OSA Officers, with the blessings of President Harry S. Truman and the United States Congress and they placed WWII flying ACE, “Wild Bill Donovan", in a figurehead position as Director, in order to sell the CIA to the American public? Would it shock or even concern you to learn that the Patriot Act is a carbon copy of the Nazi Constitution of the 1940’s?


In fact and in reality, the historic civilian government promised by “The Constitution of the United States of America” never existed nor did it ever have a chance of succeeding, courtesy of President George Washington and the Continental Congress! President George Washington, “the reputed father of our country,” cleverly overthrew the organic Constitution of the United States of America, using the Articles of Confederation and then reinstated the privately owned colonial corporation of “The Virginia Colony.”


He then installed a military government, which is concealed in plain site, e.g. Commander in Chief, Attorney General, Secretary General, Auditor General, Surgeon General, Postmaster General, etc. The Constitution was a well written document, which was copied from the Iroquois Federation Government! Many of the safeguards found in the organic Constitution were added by the Founding Fathers to bind the hands of the other delegates because none of them trusted each other, which proves the old Proverb that: “There is no honor among thieves!”


America factually continued to operate under the privately owned corporation of: “The Virginia Colony,” until March 9, 1933, and then that corporation was dissolved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, upon the passage of “The Emergency Banking Act", and at which time he instituted a new privately owned corporation called “The United States, Inc.”, which is registered in France and recorded under the Vatican Corporation of Rome! Now isn’t that a perplexing situation?


The American B.A.R. Association is a foreign union and its members are all working in collusion with Israel, the British Empire, the Vatican, the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking empires, Congress and the elite to undermine America. All attorneys are agents of a foreign power who swear allegiance to that foreign power i.e. the Queen of England. This is why all lawyers must file a written ‘Notice of Appearance’ in every court case they represent. By that notice, the lawyer is admitting to the court that he is a ‘foreign agent’ and he is requesting permission to represent you in that corporate court. Your contract with the lawyer gives him your sovereign 'power of attorney' to represent your best interests and he immediately uses it against you by admitting to the Judge that you will accept the jurisdiction and decisions of the corporate court!


Second Edition (January 2015), Indexed, plus Two additional important articles by Judge Dale, retired have been included as 'add-ons'.