Anonymous ID: 8564b9 May 30, 2018, 1:11 a.m. No.1585065   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5069 >>5084




STONEGHOST or "Stone Ghost", is a codename for a network operated by the United States' Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information sharing and exchange between the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.[1] Other sources say that New Zealand is also participating, and that Stone Ghost therefore connects, and is maintained by the defense intelligence agencies of all Five Eyes countries.[2]


Stone Ghost does not carry Intelink-Top Secret information. It used to be known as Intelink-C and may also be referred to as "Q-Lat" or "Quad link".[1] It is a highly secured network with strict physical and digital security requirements. The network hosts information about military topics, and about SIGINT, foreign intelligence and national security.[2]

Anonymous ID: 8564b9 May 30, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.1585124   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5146



has to be money!


The New Zealand government’s relationship with China has come under the spotlight after a former CIA analyst in the US said the nation’s participation in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance needs to be reconsidered.


Giving testimony to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission , Peter Mattis said Jacinda Ardern’s Labour party had accepted money from donors with links to the Chinese Communist party, while former prime minister Bill English had routinely briefed a National MP who was revealed to have worked at an institution that trained Chinese spies.


“Australia and New Zealand both face substantial problems with interference by the Chinese Communist party,” Mattis told the hearing.

Hillary Clinton says China's foreign power grab 'a new global battle'

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“In both cases, the CCP [Chinese Communist party] has gotten very close to or inside the political core, if you will, of both countries. The primary difference between the two has simply been their reaction.”


“In New Zealand, both the last prime minister, Bill English, and Jacinda Ardern have denied that there’s a problem at all,” he went on.


“I think that at some level the Five Eyes or the Four Eyes need to have a discussion about whether or not New Zealand can remain, given this problem with the political core.”


The Five Eyes is an intelligence network made up of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.


Nigel Haworth, the Labour party president, said he had no idea “what or to whom” the Mattis testimony was referring, and all political donations to Labour were above board and complied with the Electoral Act.



“All party donations over $15,000, including who they are from, are listed on the Electoral Commission website for anyone to inspect,” Haworth said.


The National leader, Simon Bridges, said it was “completely false” that former prime minister and National leader English routinely shared information.


“I haven’t seen any suggestion of this [Chinese influence]. New Zealand has strong international relations and robust processes in place to ensure our political processes are completely independent of any other country,” Bridges said in a statement.


China expert Prof Anne-Marie Brady from the University of Canterbury has frequently warned of growing Chinese influence in New Zealand, a message echoed by Hillary Clinton on a recent trip to the country, saying New Zealand needed to take the threat “seriously”.


“If a proud, independent democracy like New Zealand can’t deal with Chinese political interference activities, this is a really bad sign to the rest of the world of the way things are going,” said Brady, who has had her home and office burgled in thefts she has linked to her work on Chinese foreign influence.


“Other countries are worried about New Zealand, and the apparent silence on the issue from our government … New Zealand is the canary in the coal mine, if we can’t deal with it, who can?”

Anonymous ID: 8564b9 May 30, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.1585219   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5227

What Roseanne is doing is quite ingenious


For years people have not even spoken about racism for fear of being labeled


Now masses are seeing its ok to question and not be scared to speak.


this on its own is huge

Anonymous ID: 8564b9 May 30, 2018, 2:06 a.m. No.1585226   🗄️.is đź”—kun


We have only been digging in regards to Q drops


we knew nothing much before


attempted a pullback is an interesting thing to say, as if to say something?


maybe Q went too deep not us?


speaking like he/they tried to pull back

Anonymous ID: 8564b9 May 30, 2018, 2:17 a.m. No.1585252   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5270

Fully Agree


But at the moment you can feel the tension rising


Trump needs to be careful that people dont turn off given they have had this shit for the last 20 years.


this shit is WW and people are tired of it.


people will learn if proof is given


imagine if HRC had of got in


we would have had a boom but we would all be gone..