"The middoth are entirely mathematical beings."
-Isaac the Blind
>>15849813 (PB)
Might be an idea to target NPC useful idiots: Here's why.
[No need to proclaim the DU is a honeypot, a controlled hangout for NPC and dimwit spies - stipulated.]
There are some real NPC posts and those provide us with insight into the shifting nature of subjective MSM built pseudo reality as stress accumulates, and helping that process may seem like an evil thing to do, increasing psychological stress in NPCs - it may well be the only way to save them, to break them out of MSM satanic media mind prison.
Ivan Pavlov established a series of brilliant, sadistic, experiments, established the existence of stress related wholesale reorganization of mind function
A process resulting in the wholesale loss of all prior conditioning.
FUD stress/"cognitive dissonance " is rapidly approaching point this point for cult controlled NPCs.
When that point is reached cumulative FUD stress automatically scrams the existing OS to protect itself and zeroes the registers deletes the whole OS to bios level . Leaving basic IO functions .
Pavlov commented "that the most basic inherited difference among people was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system.
NPC satanic conditioning (as programming) is low functioning durability and stress resitant. Ornage man bad. Whatever eventually they shatter.
A repulsive bit of warcraft, but it is the only way to save heavily conditioned NPCs to free themselves from MSM satanic programming and (potentially) save their souls.
MEMORY DATA is retained
keeping our data while tossing the OS and building a new one up from basic I/O systems while relearning basic function happens with love and prayer the greatest programmer in the universe makes it happen.
Compatibility issues can take a while to work out, so we can access old memories in correct order etc- malicious lingering cult trojans in bios - but sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly we Awaken to a new understanding of our reality.
We become autonomous beings able to use our experience of Awakening to speed others through the process.
To understand this process we need to absorb Pavlov's studies on fear conditioning, they used more advance science probably but Pavlov's works enough to see how it works. Very weird creepy things in their.
second and third order cross firing things - elementals I guess anyways, much..
Do ya research and read the fucking manual.
DIG MEME PRAYand RFM newfags