the actual state of newfag migrants
>It's Saturday Night and I remember many nights of fun playing Poke The fat girl
be not proud
"it looks like a Q tip but its actually a very special Schwab"
>private classified ads. private sellers. private transactions.
but why?
i'm retarded
so what is the advantage of buying armslist private private private over an ffl?
i was just giving you the benefit of the doubt
but really i knew you were stupid when you posted an AK
8012b5 is the same nasty ass shill that posts garbage comments every night
>the system is fine
stupidest remark of the day
even the politicians know the system is broke shillboi
Actor Jim Caviezel
if the whole world disappeared tomorrow
and all that remained were QR anons
we would still be ratioed with the same amount of stupid, ignorant & evil people
there would just be more room between us
tard anon creates the most awesome original meme in the history of webz!!!
this will go viral for sure
this chick just cant help from making mean nasty comments. imagine irl
JFK & Jackie's grave