Anonymous ID: 132fae March 13, 2022, 11:27 a.m. No.15855871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What is Q Clearance?


Allows access to Classified information up to and including TOP SECRET data with the special designation: Restricted Data (TS//RD) and special Q-Cleared "security" areas Such as, The White House, The Pentagon, The Hall of Congress and the Supreme Court Room of the United States Federal Government. This level of clearance is granted alongside L Clearance, This level of clearance is also specifically granted to very few members of government, such as the current President of the United States, The Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of Homeland Security, all four- and five-star generals and admirals in the U.S. military, and all former Presidents of the United States.


What hint does that explicitly refer to?




Why is this relevant?


Who would have the goods on U1?


Could be DOE head: Steven Chu, Daniel Poneman, Ernest Moniz, were all Sec. DOE appointed by BO; Current is Perry. Poneman was the interim in between Chu and Moniz appointments.


Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE?




Q clearance indeed… EnQuire Group is an elite hacking cyber security unit with the NSA. No stone left unturned with this group of trojan horses. Everything is exposed to them as they define the descriptive narrative given to Black Hat communities. This super secret group has been exposed as also being involved in COINTEL operations for the NSA and is known as the "Q Group" within industry circles..


"“TheShadowBrokers is wanting to see you succeed,” the post said, addressing Mr. Trump. “TheShadowBrokers is wanting America to be great again.”


Q Patriot could be a NSA insider who doubles as an agent within the Shadow Brokers group.


Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?


Yes .


(May 2010) BO "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran. Who is the enemy?


What is being continually stated by all D's?


"Russia INTERFERED in our election." Consistent, ad nauseum use of the word 'interfered.'


Russia is what?


Russia has historically been the perceived arch-rival and pure nemesis of the United States for over seventy years, meaning virtually every age group in America generally believes the same things about Russia.


-On the other hand Putin rejects NWO and promotes national sovereignty. Two things in common with DJT -Positioned to be an energy superpower( gas, oil, uranium) see 2012 book 'the colder war'. Putin has also supported the revival of Christian faith within Russia and frequently emphasizes its importance for a moral and sustainable society.


What did the Russia reset really provide?


The Russia reset provided a clearance/pathway to the U1 deal for the Clintons and others.


Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?


Why is the Canadian PM so important?


They never thought they were going to lose.


The calm before the storm

Anonymous ID: 132fae March 13, 2022, 11:29 a.m. No.15855879   🗄️.is 🔗kun



is this relevant?


At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.


A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.


‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,