Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.15855433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5489 >>5492 >>5668

Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism – DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative


In Joe Biden’s first year in office over 2 million illegal aliens from dozens of countries walked into the United States across the southern border.


The numbers this year look even greater.


Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Mayorkas immediately opened up the US southern border after they came into office.


Biden also set another record. Only 59,011 illegals were deported his first year in office. This was the lowest number since 1995.


It should be obvious by now that Biden intends to destroy the US before he leaves office.


Now Mayorkas is working on a very important project. Rather than shut down the border, Mayorkas released new rules on “extremism”.


The new guidelines on extremist behavior include those who question the fraud in the 2020 election and anyone who question the regime’s talking points on COVID and its treatments including the mandates.


A March 2021 unclassified threat assessment prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Department of Justice, and DHS, noted that domestic violent extremists “who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2021.”3 The assessment pointed to newer “sociopolitical developments such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence” that “will almost certainly spur some [domestic violent extremists] [sic] to try to engage in violence this year.”4


Over half of the US population question the results of the 2020 presidential election.


Another half of the public questions the ever-changing COVID talking points coming from the medical elites including Dr. Fauci who lied under oath about his funding of gain of function research in Chinese labs.


If you mention this you may end up on their list.


These are really bad people.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:29 a.m. No.15855475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5486

Bunker down: Why Switzerland is prepared for the big one


A nuclear fallout shelter for all 9 million residents of Switzerland? Why the country has been preparing for nuclear war for decades and what residents are expected to do in the event of one.


After Russia’s attack this week on Ukrainian power plant Zaporizhzhya, the Swiss government reassured residents that the country is prepared for every kind of attack – even a nuclear one, with fallout shelters for every resident of Switzerland.



We’ve got you covered


“Neutrality is no guarantee against radioactivity,” was the government slogan that went around at the beginning of the Cold War to fund the building of fallout shelters. A law was passed quickly after that every “inhabitant must have a protected place that can be reached quickly from his place of residence” and “apartment block owners are required to construct and fit out shelters in all new dwellings.” This bunker must either be built into one’s home or apartment building, or residents can pay a special tax to secure a space in a communal shelter.



But these shelters are not typical basements or even what you would use during a tornado. They are built at least 3 meters below ground and the walls are made of several centimeters thick concrete. The doors lock with an airtight seal and the ventilation does not allow deadly nuclear toxins in, but also prevents carbon monoxide poisoning. Shelters are built to be able to withstand a 12-megaton explosion within 700 meters of the blast.



The largest Swiss shelter was constructed at the height of the fallout shelter building boom in the 1970s. Up to 20,000 people can take refuge in the Sonnenberg tunnel in Lucerne. On the floors above the tunnel was constructed a small hospital (with an operating room), a radio broadcast station and a control center to help the survivors get back on their feet. However in 2006, most of the infrastructure was dismantled as nuclear war became less and less of a reality.


The Swiss are not alone


Switzerland is not the only country that has prepared for anything. In Sweden, there is shelter for about 80% of the population and 70% in Finland. In Austria, about 30% have fallout shelters and in Germany, only 3% are covered. Outside of Europe, fallout shelters are common in newer construction projects in India, China, Singapore and South Korea – but none of their figures exceed 50% of the population.



But, do we need these?


As Switzerland spends more than 20% of its federal budget on protecting its citizens from every kind of disaster or invader, there was pushback against continuing to build shelters as a part of new construction projects.



In 2005, a parliament member created an initiative to stop spending on shelters and called then “relics of the past.” In doing its due diligence, the government researched the usefulness of such shelters and concluded months later that not only were they still useful in the event of a war, but could also save people during chemical accidents, natural disasters and possible terrorist attacks.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:30 a.m. No.15855484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5505

Houston Elections Administrator, Isabel Longoria, Claims 10,000 Ballots Weren’t Counted in Recent Primary Because Staff Was Too Tired


The Elections Director in Houston has resigned but not until this summer. Now we see that she admitted to not counting ballots in the primaries recently held.


The Houston election process has been taken over by corrupt Democrats and as a result, the primaries ten days ago were a trainwreck.


Now a video is being passed around where the Elections Administrator claims that she knew that ballots were in-house but her team was just too tired to comply with the law and count the ballots.


This lady should be gone now. She is not working for the best interest of the people in Houston.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.15855493   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NY Times Journalist Brent Renaud Shot and Killed on the Outskirts of Kyiv


A New York Times reporter was shot and killed on Sunday on the outskirts of Kyiv.


According to Андрій Нєбитов the NY Times reporter was identified.


The 51-year-old was shot and killed near Irpen earlier today.


In addition to the dead 51-year-old Brent, two more correspondents were injured. Now the wounded have already been rescued from the scene and taken to the capital hospital. The state of health of journalists remains unknown.


US reacts to death of American journalist in Ukraine


Despite the White House promising consequences for Russia, circumstances surrounding Brent Renaud’s shooting are still unclear


National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told CBS News on Sunday that the US would consult the Ukrainian government to determine how American war correspondent Brent Renaud was killed in Irpin, near Kiev. Ukrainian sources blame Russian forces, but details of the incident remain unclear.


“I will be consulting with my colleagues, we’ll be consulting with the Ukrainians to determine how this happened and then to measure and execute appropriate consequences as a result of it,” Sullivan told CBS.


“This is part and parcel of what has been the brazen aggression on the part of the Russians where they have targeted civilians… and they have targeted journalists,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:33 a.m. No.15855504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5515 >>5519 >>5532 >>5543 >>5727 >>5749 >>5755 >>5777 >>5837 >>5849 >>5919

“The Best Chance in 20 Years to Take This Guy Out” – Lindsey Graham Again Calls for Assassination of Vladimir Putin and Crushing the Russian Economy


Sen. Lindsey Graham joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures earlier today.


During their discussion on the Russian invasion of Ukraine Graham again called for the assassination of the Russian president.


Lindsey Graham: “I’m calling for the crushing of the Russian economy… Putin is a war criminal. He is no longer a legitimate leader. It is time for us to get him gone… This is the best chance in 20 years to take this guy out. And the Russian people are the vehicle to do it.


Lindsey also called for US to send fighter jets to Ukraine. Lindsey wants war!

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:35 a.m. No.15855522   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Iran fires missiles at Irbil US consulate; Tehran: ‘Secret Israeli bases’ targeted


Several missiles fired toward building in Iraqi Kurdistan; local TV station damaged; Iran media claims without evidence that Israel operating sites there and they were targets


As many as 12 missiles were fired Sunday toward the US consulate in Iraq’s northern city of Irbil, with several missiles hitting the building, Iraqi and US security officials said.


Iranian state media agency IRNA, citing local reports, claimed without evidence that “secret Israeli bases” were targeted in the attack.


An unnamed Iraqi official said the ballistic missiles were fired from Iran, without elaborating. He said the projectiles were the Iranian-made Fateh-110, likely fired in retaliation for the two Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria last week in an alleged Israeli strike.


A US official also said the missiles were launched from neighboring Iran.


Iraqi security officials said there were no immediate reports of casualties from the attack.


A US official initially said missiles hit the consulate, but a second American official later said there was no damage and no casualties at any US government facility.


Lawk Ghafari, the head of Kurdistan’s foreign media office, said none of the missiles hit the US facility but that areas around the new and currently unoccupied compound had been hit by the missiles.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.15855558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The New York Times Lauded The ‘Political Ascendancy’ Of a Democrat Mayor Now Facing Over 10 Felony Child Sex Assault Charges.


A number of high profile Democrats have been charged or convicted on child abuse or pornography charges in recent months.


A Democratic Mayor for the city of Sebastopol, California will stand trial following an indictment for nearly a dozen felony crimes in connection to a child sex assault investigation.


Robert Jacob, 44, was arrested in April 2021 on 11 felony and one misdemeanor sexual assault charges against a minor.


The charges against the Black Lives Matter (BLM) supporter and “defund the police” advocate included committing lewd acts with a child ages 14 to 15, participating in sexual penetration of a child under 16, making a child under 16 available to another person for lewd or lascivious acts, and distribution of child pornography.


At the conclusion of a three-hour preliminary hearing on March 7th, Judge Christopher Honigsberg found that the prosecution had presented enough evidence to establish that a crime had occurred.


“There is sufficient cause to believe the defendant is guilty,” he asserted.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:43 a.m. No.15855583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5601 >>5625

Netflix Asks Federal Judge to Halt 'Cuties' Child Porn Indictment


Netflix has asked a federal judge to halt a Texas prosecutor’s child porn case against the streaming giant over their release of the film “Cuties” in 2020. The movie was heavily criticized for its hyper-sexualized depictions of underage girls.


Netflix trailers for the film featured a lewd dance sequence, while a promotional poster featured pre-teen girls in sexually suggestive poses. The streaming giant apologized for the film’s marketing campaign but stood by the film and encouraged customers to watch it. “Cuties is a social commentary against the sexualization of young children,” a Netflix spokesperson said shortly after the film’s release. “It’s an award-winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girls face on social media and from society more generally growing up — and we’d encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie.”


Lucas Babin, who currently serves as district attorney in Tyler County, Texas, is pursuing child pornography charges against Netflix. Babin initially indicted the streaming giant for violating the state’s law against “lewd exhibition” of children shortly after the French film’s release in 2020. Netflix has argued that the case violates their first amendment rights.


A hearing was initially slated for early March, but on the eve of the hearing, Babin dropped the indictment and announced four new indictments under a different statute. Babin’s office argues that the film violates Texas state law against child pornography.


Netflix later requested injunctive relief aNend asked a federal judge to toss the case. “Without the Court’s intervention, Netflix will suffer irreparable harm by being forced to continue playing Babin’s game in state court and defending itself against even more baseless charges,” Netflix attorneys argued.


The Texas Attorney General’s office later responded to the request in a statement to Variety. The state said that Netflix cannot go to federal court until the prosecution is concluded, and that to do so beforehand would encroach on the state’s authority. The state also argued that Babin has prosecutorial immunity from civil rights lawsuits.


“Mr. Babin strongly denies Netflix’s allegations that he acted in bad faith, with malice, or otherwise acted improperly,” Babin’s office said. The parties appeared before U.S. District Judge Michael J. Truncale in Beaumont on Friday, March 11. A hearing on the injunction request was set for June 14.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 10:56 a.m. No.15855670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5693 >>6016 >>6051

Jul 8, 2021


Blackwater founder Erik Prince had plans to create a $10 billion private army in Ukraine, Time reports


In 2020, Blackwater founder Erik Prince pitched plans to hire Ukrainian combat veterans and buy into the country's military-industrial complex in order to create a $10 billion private army, according to a new Time investigation.


The former Navy SEAL created a "roadmap" detailing his goals to acquire factories in Ukraine that make engines for fighter jets and helicopters as well as build munitions factories in the country and combine Ukraine's top aerospace and aviation firms in order to compete with Boeing and Airbus, the outlet reported.


Prince's full plan, obtained by Time, dates back to June 2020 and is one of his most ambitious ventures in a long career of pursuing and creating controversial defense infrastructure, according to the magazine. Documents obtained by the outlet reveal Prince's coveted venture would have given him a pivotal role in Ukraine's military industry amid it's continuous conflict with neighboring Russia.


Several of the proposals required approval from the Ukrainian government, including one that would create a new private military company staffed by veterans of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, according to the magazine.


Last week


Blackwater Mercenaries: NATO’s Secret Weapon in Ukraine Struggle


Depicting a doomsday situation so as to malign Russia’s calculated offensive in Ukraine to attenuate collateral injury, mainstream reporting targeted right this moment on the fireplace that broke out [1] at Zaporizhzhia plant, one in every of Europe’s largest nuclear energy plant located 550 km southeast of Kyiv. The fireplace has since been extinguished after the plant was captured by Russian troops and no radiation leakage has been detected.


The black-op of setting a constructing within the sprawling nuclear complicated alight after which posting doctored video clips of Russian tanks shelling straight on the nuclear plant on social media, promptly verified as “genuine” by company media, was clearly the soiled work of covert saboteurs who’ve been advising and helping Ukraine’s inept safety forces and likewise taking lively half in fight operations in among the most arduous fought battles in opposition to Russia’s safety forces north of Kyiv and at Kharkiv and Donbas. After capturing Kherson yesterday, Russian forces even apprehended a number of “suspicious and armed” international nationals who’re at the moment being interrogated by Russia’s army intelligence GRU.


Volodymyr Zelensky reassured his compatriots [2] yesterday: “Ukraine is already welcoming international volunteers who’re coming to our nation. First ones from 16,000. They’re coming to defend freedom, defend life. For us, for everybody. And it will likely be a hit, I’m certain.” However unsurprisingly, he didn’t describe who these 1000’s of “daredevil volunteers” prepared to sacrifice lives and limbs in a international battle have been.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:05 a.m. No.15855724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7-Yr-Old Child Died of Heart Attack 13 Days After Pfizer Vaccine, VAERS Data Shows


A 7-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 2152560) from Seattle died 13 days after receiving his first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine when he went into shock and suffered cardiac arrest. He was unable to be resuscitated and died in the emergency room.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,168,894 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 4, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.


The data included a total of 25,158 reports of deaths — an increase of 331 over the previous week — and 203,888 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 3,557 compared with the previous week.


Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 783,282 adverse events, including 11,505 deaths and 75,286 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 4, 2022.


Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.


Of the 11,505 U.S. deaths reported as of March 4, 17% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 60% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.


In the U.S., 554 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 4, including 327 million doses of Pfizer, 209 million doses of Moderna and 18 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:08 a.m. No.15855743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US plans more talks with Maduro on releasing other Americans detained in Venezuela


The Biden administration plans to continue talking with President Nicolás Maduro on “a range of issues,” including the release of more Americans being detained in Venezuela, the White House said on Wednesday.


Maduro released two Americans Tuesday evening after U.S. officials met with him last weekend. The State Department worked quietly for months to set the stage for the release of Gustavo Cardenas, an oil executive with Citgo, and Jorge Fernandez, a Cuban-American tourist, from Venezuelan prisons. Eight Americans remain in custody there.


The direct engagement between the two governments came three years after the United States severed diplomatic ties with Venezuela over Maduro’s crackdown on democratic institutions. The talks have faced criticism from Venezuelan opposition as well as U.S. lawmakers.


“We will continue to discuss a range of issues, including first and foremost Americans unjustly held,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters. “Those are conversations we are always going to want to engage in.”


The weekend talks were also focused on energy as gas prices soar for U.S. consumers after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


“Since President Putin began his military buildup on Ukrainian borders, the price of gas at the pump in America has gone up 75 cents, which is significant,” Psaki said.


“We need to ensure the supply meets the demand out there in the marketplace,” she said. “Obviously, we’re engaging with big global oil producers around the world to meet that demand.”


President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that the United States would stop importing oil from Russia.


Venezuela holds the world’s largest oil reserves — and wants U.S. sanctions relief on its oil sector to allow outside investment to ramp up its production capacity. The country can currently produce roughly 600,000 barrels of oil a day, a fraction of Russia’s output and of U.S. demand.


Most of Venezuela’s current production is committed to China and Cuba, and to provide oil to the United States some of those shipments would have to be redirected, said Francisco Monaldi, an expert on Venezuelan energy at Rice University in Houston.


Venezuela’s opposition, led by Juan Guaidó, has criticized the talks, with one high-ranking member of his team telling the Miami Herald that it would be “foolish” of Biden to think that he could reach a deal on Venezuelan oil without compromising the democratic movement.


The United States and a number of European and Latin American countries recognize Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela, but the meeting in Caracas was held without his team being consulted.


The talks were also criticized by some U.S. lawmakers who have denounced the Maduro regime for years.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:10 a.m. No.15855759   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia’s Investigative committee to probe into mass execution of civilians in LPR


According to earlier reports, during an offensive in the Popasnaya direction LPR forces came across a site of mass execution of civilians near a railway


Chief of Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has ordered to investigate the circumstance of the mass execution of civilians in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), the Committee’s press service said on Sunday.


"The Investigative Committee chairman has ordered investigators to collect evidence and identify all those involved in it in order to bring them to responsibility under law," it said.


According to earlier reports, during an offensive in the Popasnaya direction LPR forces came across a site of mass execution of civilians near a railway. According to the PLR People’s Militia, retreating Ukrainian troops used people as a human shield and shot dead anyone offering resistance or trying to escape.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:11 a.m. No.15855768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian refugees with relatives in Israel to be exempt from entry cap


‘We’re opening our gates but not to an unlimited amount,’ interior minister says amid criticism of her refuge policies; adds that ‘everything is coordinated’ with Lapid


Amid calls to allow in more non-Jewish refugees fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked announces that relatives of Israelis who are not eligible for citizenship will be allowed to stay in the country without being counted as part of a cap setting how many can remain.


“We’re opening our gates, but not to an unlimited amount,” she says during a press conference at Ben Gurion. “Ultimately the main challenge for the Israeli government and State of Israel is to absorb the masses of new immigrants arriving here, and also those fleeing the battles.


Following Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s call earlier today for Israel to allow in more non-Jewish refugees, Shaked says the two are on the same page.


“Just five minutes ago, we spoke on the phone. Everything is coordinated with him,” she says.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:13 a.m. No.15855782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Serbia will remain military neutral and will not join NATO — Vucic


"I think Serbia should remain militarily neutral, protect its military neutrality and develop its army," the Serbian President said


Serbia will remain a military neutral state and will not join NATO, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is running for a second term, said at the election rally of the Serbian Progressive Party in Backa Palanka on Sunday.


"Someone says: "Never say never, maybe we will join NATO someday." But I say: we don't need to join NATO. I think Serbia should remain militarily neutral, protect its military neutrality and develop its army," the Serbian President said.


Vucic noted that during his tenure as president, unlike his rivals in the presidential race, he did not destroy the Serbian army, but strengthened it.


"We are strengthening our army in order to defend our sky, our land, ourselves and never depend on anyone except our people. This is our policy," he stressed.


In the early 2000s, the then pro-Western leadership of Serbia stated that the armament of the army was outdated and unpromising. As part of the reform of the defense system, it was decided to sell military training grounds, barracks and other facilities, and send armored vehicles for remelting. Armored troops (the main tank - T-55) were melted down for several years at the Serbian metallurgical plant Zhelezara Smederevo, which was bought by the American company US Steel. After melting down Serbian armored vehicles, US Steel sold the now-unprofitable steel mill to the Serbian government in January 2012 for the symbolic sum of $1.


In addition, according to the document of the Serbian Defense Ministry dated December 5, 2017, in 2005 it was decided to sell 200 T-55 tanks, 121 M60 armored personnel carriers, 77 M36 self-propelled guns, 88 M38 howitzers (122 mm), 36 anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery installations ZSU-57-2. The sale was carried out after the weapons were registered as secondary raw materials, the document says. Also in 2003, 2005 and 2008, it was decided to destroy 9,218 9M32M (Strela-2) anti-tank missiles and 420 launchers for the Strela-2 system. In 2003, they disposed of 23,000 small arms and 91 guns of 20 mm and 30 mm caliber.


The disposal of weapons was carried out in cooperation with the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:16 a.m. No.15855801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5812 >>5876

These Democratic Megadonors Made a $108 Million ‘Lucky Bet’ on Wall Street. Now the Feds Are Investigating.


Daily Beast owner Barry Diller, Lincoln Project patron David Geffen, and German prince Alex von Fürstenberg suspected of insider trading


Federal authorities are investigating three Democratic megadonors who made an enormous bet on shares of Activision Blizzard just days before Microsoft agreed in January to acquire the video game company for $69 billion.


The U.S. Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission are both looking into the suspiciously timed trading activity of Barry Diller, owner of the Daily Beast, his stepson Alex von Fürstenberg, and his friend David Geffen, a longtime Democratic donor who gave $500,000 to the scandal-plagued Lincoln Project in 2020.


"Suspicious" is perhaps too generous a word to describe the three men's decision to buy roughly $108 million worth of Activision stock options on Jan. 14. The transaction, privately arranged through JPMorgan Chase, allowed the wealthy Democrats to buy more than four million shares of Activision at the bargain price of $40 per share. Four days later, Activision announced that Microsoft would pay $95 per share to acquire the company. Imagine that!


Diller, who has donated $2.4 million to Democratic candidates and committees since 2016, just happens to be a "long time friend" of Activision CEO Bobby Kotick. They served together on the Coca-Cola board of directors. Diller insists he did nothing wrong, telling the Wall Street Journal the amazingly profitable trade involving his friend's company was "simply a lucky bet" and "one of those coincidences."


The Daily Beast, which has published several articles about allegations of sexual misconduct at Activision on Kotick's watch, has yet to report on the insider trading investigations.


The Journal notes that Activision stock options similar to those purchased by Diller, Geffen, and von Fürstenberg were "sparsely traded" in the days before the Microsoft acquisition was announced, but "exploded" in response to the news. The wealthy Democrats' stock options instantly surged in value by more than 60 percent—an amazing coincidence, indeed.


The men have yet to exercise their options, which don't expire until 2023. They could realize a profit of about $60 million if they sold today, based on Activision's current share price of $80. They stand to make more than $100 million if the Microsoft acquisition, expected to close this summer, goes forward at the agreed-upon price of $95 per share.


Diller's stepson, von Fürstenberg, is a German prince whose family nobility dates back to the 13th century. He is also a prominent Democratic donor, having contributed more than $193,000 to Democratic candidates and committees since 2016. His mother, Diller's wife, is Diane von Fürstenberg, who launched a successful career as a fashion designer after briefly marrying into the royal family. Former first lady Michelle Obama is a fan of her dresses. She is even more generous when it comes to supporting the Democratic Party and its candidates, donating more than $497,000 since 2020.


Geffen is, like Diller, one of the most prolific Democratic donors in the country. In addition to the $500,000 he gave the Lincoln Project, he has donated $1.7 million to Democratic candidates and committees since 2016.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:17 a.m. No.15855807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5840 >>5851

Russia kills dozens with air strike at Ukrainian base near Poland, reportedly arrests own spy chiefs


Missile attack is believed to be the farthest west of the war, and targeted a base often used by NATO trainers. American journalist killed in Kiev.



Russia launched a heavy volley of missiles Sunday on a military base in western Ukraine near the Polish border, killing 35 and injuring scores at a location often used by NATO trainers.


The airstrike on the International Peacekeeping and Security Center in Yavoriv was believed to be the western most attack launched by Russian forces in the three-week-old war, landing just 15 miles from the border with Poland.


Lviv governor Maksym Kozytskyi told The Associated Press many of the missiles fired Sunday “were shot down because the air defense system worked” but still at least 35 people were killed and 134 wounded.


Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities confirmed the American journalist and Peabody-award winning filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed during fighting Sunday in a suburb of Kiev.


Over the years Renaud worked for The New York Times, HBO, Vice News and NBC.


“We are deeply saddened to hear of Brent Renaud’s death,” Times spokeswoman Danielle Rhoades Ha said. “Brent was a talented filmmaker.”


The escalating violence came as Russian President Vladimir Putin warned he would use military action to stop western military aid to Ukraine, and as signs of a blame game surfaced in Moscow after a lackluster military performance by Russian troops.


Putin reportedly placed two of his top intelligence officials on house arrest as he sought accountability for a war plan that U.S. intelligence says has not succeeded as planned.


The Center for European Policy Analysis as well as several foreign newspapers reported that the top two officials of the FSB’s fifth service were placed under house arrest. The FSB is Russia’s main spy service and was once headed by Putin.


“Colonel-General Sergei Beseda, and his deputy were being held after allegations of misusing operational funds earmarked for subversive activities and for providing poor intelligence ahead of Russia’s now-stuttering invasion,” CEPA reported.


“The operation has hit serious obstacles, not least fierce, resistance by the Ukrainian armed forces and the unity of the population, including most Russian-speakers, behind President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his government,” it added.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:21 a.m. No.15855829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5872



Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes may soon be buzzing in Florida and California.

Toxic mosquito aerial release system

Here's what we know about the Japanese encephalitis outbreak in Victoria, South Australia, NSW and Queensland

A New South Wales man has become the second Australian confirmed to have died from the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) outbreak, as authorities across four states urge people to avoid mosquito bites to reduce their chance of being infected.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:42 a.m. No.15855938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5949 >>5973

Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke: "Greg Abbott is targeting transgender kids and turning in their parents and if these investigations are successful, not only is that transgender child taken from the custody of that parent, but so is any other kid in the household."

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.15855951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Large German Insurance Company Estimates 2.5-3 Million People in Germany ‘Under Treatment for Side Effects of Vaccination After Covid Shot’


“An analysis of millions of insured persons’ data from the BKK company health insurance company comes to significantly higher figures for side effects than the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The new data is an “alarm signal,” says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.” reports German news outlet


“For the first time, the figures from a large German health insurance association are available on the side effects of Covid vaccines. The board of directors of BKK ProVita, Andreas Schöfbeck, had the data of millions of insured persons of the BKK group analyzed.“


Using the company’s nearly 11 million insured participants, they ran a query using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for vaccine side effects. Looking at just the first half of 2021 and “about half for the third quarter of 2021” found that 216,695 people had already been treated for vaccine side effects from Covid vaccination. BKK board memberSchöfbeck sent a letter detailing this “alarm signal” to the Paul Ehrlich Institute – the agency of the German Federal Ministry of Health responsible for vaccines and medicines regulation.


The letter continues, “…with regard to the number of vaccinated people in Germany, this means that about 4-5% of the vaccinated people were under medical treatment for side effects of vaccination.”


This event marks the first time that a private insurance company has audited its data to challenge a governmental heath agency on the widespread underreporting of vaccine side effects.


Upon deeper inspection, it has been consistently found that vaccine side effects are chronically underreported. In the United States, a study funded by Health and Human Services conducted by Harvard Medical School tracked reporting to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) over a three-year period at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care involving 715,000 patients and found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”


A U.S. House Report similarly stated: “Former FDA Commissioner David A. Kessler has estimated that VAERS reports currently represent only a fraction of the serious adverse events.”


Meanwhile, during the Covid pandemic, myocarditis has presented as one of the first line vaccine injuries to garner worldwide attention. A recent study published in JAMA used VAERS to look at myocarditis cases after vaccination and found a several fold increase after the second dose in young boys. The authors concluded:


“…as a passive system, VAERS data are subject to reporting biases in that both underreporting and overreporting are possible.38 Given the high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, underreporting is more likely. Therefore, the actual rates of myocarditis per million doses of vaccine are likely higher than estimated.”

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:54 a.m. No.15856003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former White House insider says Donald Trump is 'jealous' of Vladimir Putin


Not everyone in the west thinks Vladimir Putin is a dangerous megalomaniac.


No less than former US president Donald Trump has called the man responsible for so much death and destruction in Ukraine not only "savvy" but also "genius".


Mr Trump's comments, made shortly before Russian troops first crossed the border, shocked many people around the world, but not Miles Taylor.


"[I'm] not even remotely surprised," he told 60 Minutes.


As a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, Taylor worked closely with Trump when he was president.


"When I worked in that administration, there was no one that Trump saw more like him around the world than autocrats," Taylor said.


60 minutes attacks

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 11:56 a.m. No.15856012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6121



Monster who raped a nine-year-old girl in bushland told her she was a 'virgin sacrifice', tied a sock around her neck and left her to die is jailed


Dwayne Claude Bond, 48, was sentenced to life in prison for rape of a young girl

Bond dragged the girl, 9, into bushes and told her he was 'two million years old'

He then told her she was a 'virgin sacrifice' raped her and choked her with a sock

The girl regained consciousness and made it to a nearby friend's home, shivering


A man who used a sock to choke a nine-year-old girl before raping her in an isolated bush has been sentenced to life in prison.


Dwayne Claude Bond, 48, had lured the girl into the bush in north Brisbane on December 12, 2016.


During the horrific attack he told her she was going to be a 'virgin sacrifice'.


He tied a sock around her neck and raped her before beating her, leaving her unconcious on the ground.


Crown Prosecutor Michael Gawrych said Bond 'obviously thought he had done enough to kill her', The Courier Mail reported.


Justice Applegarth said the young girl would have been terrified.


'You told this poor child that you were two million years old, and you watched Jesus die on the cross and that she was a virgin and you were going to sacrifice her,' he said.


'One can only imagine the terror that threat inflicted on a nine-year-old girl.


'No one, and you in particular, should forget that you threatened to sacrifice this girl. You sexually and physically assaulted her in a horrible way.'


Justice Applegarth said the 'poor little girl' had regained consciousness and made it over to a friend's house about 1am.

Anonymous ID: 88d1c5 March 13, 2022, 12:01 p.m. No.15856039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6127 >>6154

Former British Army chief Colonel Richard Kemp says the West should not rule out assassinating Vladimir Putin


A former British Army officer has said assassinating Putin should be an option

Colonel Richard Kemp said every idea must be considered even if 'unpalatable'

Kemp argues that other leaders who were threats like Bin Laden were killed


A former British Army chief says NATO and Western allies should not rule out the possibility of assassinating Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Colonel Richard Kemp said Putin represents a 'permanent and deadly threat' and killing him may be 'unpalatable' to some, but it could help save thousands of lives.


Osama Bin Laden, Islamic State chief Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and Iranian Republican Guard Commander Qasem Soleimani were all killed to counter threats, the colonel argued.


Colonel Richard Kemp, who commanded British troops in Afghanistan, told The Mirror: 'NATO should consider all options to remove him from power. That would include killing him although it is not likely to be viable or desirable.'


He believes the Russian president should at least face war crimes charges.