Anonymous ID: 9465bf March 13, 2022, 11:01 a.m. No.15855703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5709 >>5711 >>5719 >>5751 >>5987

Take the jab because we told you to!

Wear a mask because we told you to!

Change your clocks because we told you to!


Why am I the only one that seems to notice the parallel?


Q: What is the definition of noon?

A: Noon is when the sun is at it's zenith in the sky.

Q: At what time does noon occur?

A: Noon occurs at 12:00

Q: Does the sun jump in the sky when daylight savings time starts?

A: No

Q: Why then, you fucking retard, do you change your clock for daylight savings time?

A: Ummm….


Ok, ok I know I am shoveling seawater against the tide here but I have yet to find anyone that can explain to me how DST makes sense let alone why they refuse the jab but change their clocks.

Anonymous ID: 9465bf March 13, 2022, 11:43 a.m. No.15855944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you for the boobs.


I have looked for an answer and what I found is usually along the lines of your reply: It's been this way for a long time… By which logic if they tell us to get jabbed long enough then it will be good for us.


The other arguments are: it saves energy (Show me the data! You can 'cause it doesn't) and it makes better us of daylight (Wha????). Ignored is the increase in accidents and heart attacks which corresponds to the DST change.