Sadly for me I'm in too poor health to be affected by this latest round of lunatic-leftie faux outrage, to whit Roseanne Barr.
An African-American female co-worker was beside herself yesterday proclaiming civil discourse had reached its lowest point in American history due to President Trump. I was too tired to respond, and knew it would be fall on deaf ears were I to have done so. It must be a figment of my imagination that, in close to fifty years, I had never felt more condescension, as a heterosexual male patriotic American, than during the last six years of the Obama administration. Must be my imagination that distasteful (or worse), comments and snide remarks have been leveled at conservatives, President Trump, Vice-President Pence or basically anyone right-of-center from the likes of Joy Behar, Joy Reid, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Keith Olberman, Michelle Wolf or any other of the cast of public characters too large to count. Never one word of said outrage when the situation is reversed.
So I remind this community of two recent examples, both of which received no blowback from the left after theirs actions. The first are comments and paintings by Jim Carrey (pic related), especially as it pertained to our Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, a title that recently gave rise to a Michelle Wolf joke about incest and inbreeding at a White House Correspondent's Dinner. In fact, it's a staple of the left to insinuate nefarious feelings by President Trump from his obvious admiration to his daughter, Ivanka. The other was the profanity laced barrage by Madonna at the Women's March, oddly enough, timed right on the heels of President Trump's inauguration (imagine that). If you find Madonna's speech too mild, there is always 'nasty woman's' Ashley Judd to augment it.
I believe in the marketplace of ideas where bad thoughts and ideas are best countered with better thoughts and ideas. The left must be exposed for the hypocritical double-standard they display on a daily basis.