Did the same end of 2016,
Once sure @GEOTUS would be seated.
Left the US in a surreal daze back in 2002;
Felt the timeline shift, magicks at play;
Didn't know it then–only that it all felt surreal:
Everyone and everything going crazy,
Meanwhile /ourfuture/ vanishing into vapor:
Roaring dot.com economy–killed-off strategically,
Biotech explosion–buried with stroke of pen,
US budget surpluses–reversed instantaneously,
Geopolitics rightfully aligned vs Asia–dead,
90s culture–replaced overnight by droll faggotry.
In that haze I wandered the globe,
Acquiring & selling a certain intel-related skillset,
USA ronin, helping others make sense of chaos,
Watching from afar as the 90s were erased.
Goddamn I KNEW something was up.
Dave Chappelle effectively reasserted the 90s,
Something BIG had to happen to reset the Niggs,
To satisfy them while giving them nothing,
And OBABA was just that—
As if on cue: "Racism doesnt exist anymore!",
Chanted libtard/Clowns encountered overseas…
What {{they}} do is STEAL FUTURES,
By "wearing the skin" of someone who is OWED:
{{Jacob}} and Esau;
In the early 1900s BLACKS were OWED,
The political climate of the time favor reparations,
"Social Justice" was being handed out on plates;
{{Imposter Jews}} thus manufactured holocaust,
To usurp the blessings being directed to Blacks,
At a time the Collective Conscious demanded it.
…And this is what I felt back in 2002.
Wasn't until Trump's victory did things feel "right".
Guess its a question I'm asking:
Is Ascension of Trump a NEW/best timeline,
Or correction to one that was stolen by Clowns?
I'm back USA-side now with kids in tow,
Feeling like a Kryptonian arriving on Earth,
Or Simon Phoenix waking up in Fagified LA,
Or Khan being pulled out of stasis by POTUS/Q…
Just hoping this all ends with us being let free.
Christ goes on to destroy what he built,
This is a key from Sampson & Hercules stories,
Overlooked and masked by {{Cabalists}},
A final "Trump" card to ease their minds:
There's a "truth" that Trump will eventually see,
That'll turn him against that which he now builds,
Leading to his eventual self-sacrifice to atone.
THAT is where I am now positioning myself,
Prevent at all costs Trump self-sacrifice scenario,
Predicated on we deplorables losing our shit,
And going overboard in our rightful retributions;
Book of Enoch explains it:
We–God's Chosen–are here on Earth to judge,
But our judgements are also being judged;
The fates we decide for others seal our own;
Hence Christ's "judge not lest ye be judged".
War on Anon,
But always with appropriate restraint.