Just two observations regarding the QClock – no interpretation of their meanings (if any at all), just mentioning it because it somewhat stands out:
→ When counting the days that have no post from Q, then in the first "turning" (i.e. 12/07 – 02/04) there were 23 days.
The second "turning" (02/05 – 04/05) had 24 days without Q posts. We're in the 3rd cycle now, and there were (so far) only 13 days without a Q post.
→ Q posted "Phase I", "Phase 2" & "next phase will bring JUSTICE.". The dates of these may (or not) coincide with the quarters in the clock:
Phase 1 could have been first cycle + first quarter (i.e. 1st Q post or 12/07 until 02/20 = 5 quarters)
Phase 2 started & announced on 02/21 lasting thru 05/06 (1 cycle + 1 quarter = 5 quarters)
Phase 3 started 05/07, but announced earlier ("pre_stage" on 05/04 due to comm silence between 05/04 & 05/08). If true, Phase 3 would last thru 07/20 and phase 4 start 07/21.
(also attached example of today's qclock)