Anonymous ID: f48ce6 May 30, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.1585998   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6035 >>6046


Fact. It's been a wild time. I got my med card the 2nd day you could have one back in 2009, when they lightened the rules up. It's life changing in it helps me deal with pain and some of the PTSD I still have. I'm just better on it.


Being able to find strains that work, for instance, even though Sativas normally don't help with headaches, Golden Goat and Casey Jones are life changing for migraines and cluster headaches, is a blessing.


I hope everyone has it soon!! KEK!!

Anonymous ID: f48ce6 May 30, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.1586068   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Bingo!! And Pineapple Express is great. Used to get it up in Nederland from the old heads. When they changed the laws and all the old schoolers and their AMAZING strains had to leave the game, the shit tanked. The herb was SO amazing for a while.


There's only a couple of spots in Denver/Boulder that are good enough for me. I'm a snob yo!!



Anonymous ID: f48ce6 May 30, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.1586078   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Good morning Anon. A pretty good night, not a LOT going on. Lots of weird shilling and Roseanne has been going at it. Ummmโ€ฆyeahโ€ฆGet comfy.


Oh, there's THIS. I wonder if Ye is going to be there?? This would be HUGE for the black community, people who have been FUCKED by the prison business, and America in general.

Anonymous ID: f48ce6 May 30, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.1586180   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


What if endless experiences that you had before you were even age 10 didn't line up with what you were saying??


But this is why religion (Not Jesus or the other teachers) is so wack. You can't prove Spiritual Truth, you have to experience it. It is ONLY REALLY worth anything to those who experience it.

Anonymous ID: f48ce6 May 30, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.1586273   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6326


Negative. I have left my body hundreds of times, and I am FAR more "aware" and ALIVE than when I'm here. Most NDE folks don't want to come back (And don't give me the line about DMT please, that shit's bunk) and while it may be pretty, this place is either hell or limbo or something.

Anonymous ID: f48ce6 May 30, 2018, 7:04 a.m. No.1586388   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I don't believe in it Anon, I GO there. So do you while your sleeping, we all do. Physical reality doesn't exist and neither does time, we all know that. Then shit gets strange.


And this world is beautiful enough, but it's FAR more beautiful outside of our bodies, which I love. Everything is so much brighter and lighthearted, and of course, there's no cabal, or Joy Reid or IRSโ€ฆ


But, telling you about it is of no good. Gotta GO there.