as in happy or as in filthy anal sex?
Filteredfor filtering a Gay rights activist
Mr. Richard T Black Have you taken your meds today?
Maybe the goal was to Trigger people like you..
The Team will file it under "Shit that is hella gay", there are quite a few examples of Gay emotional outbursts..
Lol being angry is something everyone can do..
THISis GayโBeeeeeing angry at a person that promotes vaxx that is killing people it is gay now???????????????????
That is an example of well Gayness..
When I say Gay what I really mean you're acting like a retarded woman who is just ranting about shit she's mad about because there are people in her vicinty..
I wasn't inferring a sexual preference.. I would have said you're acting like a homo which is short for homosexual..
if it hurtsThen don't put things in your ass fren..
Keep me out of your Fecal Fantasy's for the love of God..
My mom just came downstairs and brought me my two sausage hotpockets and saw that I was talking to you and she beat me over the head and called me a stupid faggot.. Sorry it's been fun tah tah