Anonymous ID: aafe9a March 13, 2022, 8:56 p.m. No.15858986   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8994 >>9013 >>9122




Apple supplier Foxconn halts operations at its Shenzhen sites, one of which produces iPhones, after the Chinese government placed 17.5 million residents of the southern city into lockdown for at least a week.

Anonymous ID: aafe9a March 13, 2022, 9:30 p.m. No.15859146   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9155 >>9161 >>9170

Michael Salla



Tulsi Gabbard is spot on about dangers posed by Ukraine biolabs. Stopping their destruction & spread of deadly pathogens is important, but raises questions of why they are there in the first place. What else is hidden in Ukraine that sparked Russia's intervention? Space Arks?


Anonymous ID: aafe9a March 13, 2022, 9:38 p.m. No.15859189   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Lights Over Lapland has a full catalogue of exciting adventures in Abisko National Park, Sweden! Check out our daytime and evening activities and book your adventure!


A BIG CRACK IN EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD: For an hour on March 13th, a big crack opened in Earth's magnetic fieldโ€“one of the biggest in years. (For specialists: BsubZ was less than -20 nT.) Solar wind poured through the gap, adding its energy to that of the CME which struck earlier in the day. This increases the chances that high-latitude auroras may remain visible at least through the early hours of March 14th. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.


CME IMPACT SPARKS GEOMAGNETIC STORM: As predicted, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on March 13th. The impact sparked a moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm. When the CME arrived, "the sky exploded," reports John Dean, who sends this picture from Nome, Alaska:


"I was out from 2:30 am until sunrise," says Dean. "The coronas (auroras that seem to fall from overhead like rain) were phenomenal."


The timing of the CME's impact was unfortunate for many aurora photographers. Europe and much of North America were daylit when the storm cloud arrived. Dark skies were positioned mainly over the Pacific Ocean and western parts of North America.


What next? Geomagnetic storms could persist through March 14th as Earth passes through the CME's wake. If so, many photographers who missed the CME's arrival may get a second chance. Stay tuned for updates. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.


more images: from Jen of Dunedin, New Zealand; from Guntis in Latvia, Europe;


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AN ASTEROID JUST HIT EARTH: Discovered-photographed-destroyed. Boom-boom-boom. March 11th was an eventful day for asteroid 2022 EB5. Hungarian astronomer Krisztiรกn Sรกrneczky discovered the asteroid at 19:24 UT. Italian astronomer Enrico Pettarin photographed the asteroid at 20:28 UT: