Anonymous ID: 1125a5 March 14, 2022, 3:16 a.m. No.15860034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0042 >>0062 >>0063 >>0067 >>0068 >>0070



anon will collect 20053.

Anon is watching the trump rally for the 4th times,

the first was on rally night when anon had to bake and take notes,the kitchen was abandoned.

The next just to watch and but was tired, the third time to take note, and now again just to see if anon missed anything.

Well worth watching, can ignore the achievements and the problems caused by biden including the elections stuff.

anons know that if you are going to get a chance to hear from the top and from the inside is with trump without filters.

It is why the media hate him so much.


Anonymous ID: 1125a5 March 14, 2022, 3:32 a.m. No.15860067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0078 >>0158


Trump mentioned elvis and the crowd size, seemed a bit of a ramble, a strange one, he very rarely plays elvis at his concerts mainly soul and old rock music.

time stamp 18.00 to 18.35 he mentions 87 crowd size and turned away 50 k people = anon decided to look up post 37 == 87 - 50 = 37, interesting post


Nov 02, 2017 12:57:23 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147581516

They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain.

Fight the good fight.




Streamed on: Mar 12 2022, 7:05 pm EST


1) South Carolina had a honest Election

2) Biden Failures (Train Wreck one after another).

3) Trump No wars and peace agreements. Peace through Strength, America first.

4) Trump Story about president xi (he speaks and understands English but chooses not to) uses a interrupter, power move, be careful of those saying they do not .

5) Failed foreign policy is rotten and corrupt bureaucrat's could lead to WW3

6) Trump bought up Elvis (crowd numbers bigger)? Anagram exposing Evils.

7) Biden had a country which was energy independent and is now crawling to the world for oil.

8) Trump says global warming is nuclear threat and Nuclear war !!

9) Survival relies on energy and food.

10) Trump statement - Strong at home first, Elections, Border control and law and order against crimes.

11) America is being attacked from within by Biden and his admin and opening the borders letting in criminals into America and releasing


12) Ignoring the war in Mexico with drug cartels with genocide and murders of political members and the peoples of Mexico.

13) Trump calling out RINO especially Tom Rice (South Carolina) and his crimes. Crazy Nancy Mace lied and starting attacking republican's and campaigned for Liz Cheney and Trump. Replacements Russell Fry and Katie Arrington. vote on June 14th Trumps birthday and Flag day.

14) Trump mentioned 33 endorsements and won 33 in Texas (mason ref).

15) Lessons of the last two years - America must be a manufacturing nation, self sufficient in basic elements as energy and food.

16) After taking power all things democrats will be destroyed, critical race theory, Covid restrictions, Equity hires, freedom of speech and election integrity plus moar !!

17) Election fraud 2020 of the epic scale in all areas, mule, corruptions and right to the top. the election was Rigged. Trump may have to run again?

Same day election results called in future !! 2022 midterms will take back the house and the senate and in 2024 including the Whitehouse.

Everyone who committed any crimes around the world will bought to justice and the deep state must be bought to heel, we are up against the most evil corrupt and terrible assets from around the world, they almost destroyed America almost'' but they have not and we will never lose again. !!!

Respect America and the Flag .

Ending song Hold on, I'm coming


Anonymous ID: 1125a5 March 14, 2022, 4:20 a.m. No.15860141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0162 >>0373 >>0386 >>0416 >>0486




Q Research General #20053: Why Dafuq is Anonymous Official Dropping LEGIT YT Redpills

>>15857717 $90M in an investment company located in the middle of nowhere. aspada investment company - cybercity mauritius - anon dig (needs moar eyes for election fraud).

>>15857782 Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., argued Friday that global inflation "starts with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, -fox news

>>15857874 Jussie smollet is on suicide watch - nyp

>>15858018 A 4.1-magnitude earthquake shook parts of California on Sunday, March 13, geologists reported -

>>15858031 Remdesivir and ventilation and covid death and PCR test payoff bribe to hospitals - twat and mp4 video

>>15858037 Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Blocks 2020 Election Decertification, Spends Time Getting His Wife a Position with the GOP Instead - gwp

>>15858058 Chicago Police Sergeant Identified, Death Ruled A Suicide -

>>15858092 screen cap of shot journalist before fake hospital visit. - no source.

>>15858103 Russia seeks military equipment and aid from China, U.S. officials say. - washington post.

>>15858156 Zelenskyy pushing for meeting with Putin as Ukrainian and Russian officials negotiate -

>>15858203 Why are they so afraid of the 100 million MAGA PATRIOTS. - gwp

>>15858240, >>15858265, Putin has placed the head of the FSB's foreign intelligence branch under house arrest - daily mail (uk rag).


>>15858338 Former President Barack Obama tweets he tested positive for COVID-19 after having 'scratchy throat' - houston chronicle (hiding or arrest)?

>>15858417 Trump-Backed Sen. John Boozman: ‘We’ve Got to Hold Employers Accountable’ for Hiring Illegal Aliens - breitbart

Full notables 20053

Anonymous ID: 1125a5 March 14, 2022, 4:31 a.m. No.15860162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q Research General #20056: Monday Monday Edition Anonymous

>>15859989 dough

>>15860104 General flynn new website - (Highest ranking anon) o7

>>15860109 This dude just straight up admitted to cheating in georgia, cos texas rulez- don jr twat and mp4 video

>>15860129, >>15860130, >>15860132 Who Was the Real Source Of Steele’s Fake Dossier? Surkov, Trubnikov and Halper -

>>15860141 #20053 missing bread notes

notables up to 100 - note taker is out, baker and note takers please step up until baker claims bread - o7

God speed ahead

Anonymous ID: 1125a5 March 14, 2022, 4:43 a.m. No.15860202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0233 >>0238


never a bad idea to revisit the pawns and criminals in this crime against the amreican people.

Video of papa explaining exactly that.

music is a bit loud but anon did this ages ago and it is still relevant.

Music for dramatic effect.

oh and sky king makes a appearance following ceo of smartmatic 2 years after he was declared died.