An example of legal fukkery at work: Parties spent >$10 million in a civil case arguing over the exact definition of the word "few". Construction contract for a large earthmoving project read "Boulders and rocks up to a FEW feet in diameter are indicated by soil boring tests and should be expected" [Emphasis added].
One party argued 3 - 6 feet while the other maintained that a "few" could encompass 15 feet.
Turns out there was/is no precise or limiting number. The owner of the project/land likely KNEW that the word was ambiguous and included it in the contract soil boring results in order to keep contract bids lower. Ever try to excavate around, move and transport a 30 foot wide boulder without hiring expensive explosives subcontractor?
However, the complaining party won due to the black letter estsblished contract interpretation rule of "contra proferentem" which states, broadly, that where there is doubt about the meaning of the contract, the words will be construed against the person who put them forward." This rule was applied against the project/land owner as it was they who drafted the ambiguous contract language. Treble (triple) damages for fraud were almost awarded as substantial evidence that the owner had always used the word "few" in previous contracts involving "different site conditions" claims knowing that they would be able to shift this sizable risk to the contactor excavators. However, this would be considered "superior knowledge" which a party would be obligated to share with the other side.
This civil law rule of contract interpretation has a related counterpart in criminal law with the "Brady Doctrine Rule" which requires that the prosecution MUST turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defendant in a criminal case. Exculpatory evidence is evidence that might exonerate the defendant.
Anons have seen and will continue to see the Brady Doctrine used against Derp State pitbull Andrew Weissmann in past and thousands of future cases/indictments against those evildoers in the Bush and Hussein administrations.
All the hundreds of thousands of sex-trafficked children that pass through Kiev/Ukraine via the most elaborate and complex tunnel system running from the Port of Odessa to Kiev, through other tafficking centers in Ukraine and covert across/underneath Ukraine's borders. In this instance, Nuland likely exposed the "biolabs" as a limited hang-out (a truthful admission against interest) to deflect attention from the MAJOR CABAL EVIL of child sex trafficking. "Sex Workers" and "Prostitutes" are also limited hang-outs. Being worked by the Derp State and its Mockingbird Media.
Ukraine Government is going to have to explain the sudden appearance of 100,000+ orphans in Ukraine which are now being used as human shields. Thankfully impossible to destroy this Great Awakening evidence as easily as the Bioweapons Project documentation and samples.
And regarding the much discussed DoD-funded U.S. Biological Threat Reduction Program which began in 2003. The information war is waging over this Program being defensive or offensive in nature.
Arguing that the DoD has constructed and managed (with host country as 'beard' 'partner') 336 of these biolabs in 30 countries which coincidently are massed along the Russian and Chinese borders, to safeguard the health aand safety of populations against naturally emerging biological threats is more than a disingenuous argument. The argument doesn't pass the frikken "straight face" or "smell" tests.
We now know that DoD/Fauxci used Gain of Function technology to develop unnatural pathogenic materials soley based on the idea that nature may get around to evolving these pathogens itself even if it takes decades or centuries to do so? "So let's anticipate nature and Frankenstein the pathogens NOW so we can develop the means to combat them in the unforeseeable future? How assinine is that considering the risk of failed containment? This argument in of itself is enough to lay lie to the DoD/Fauxi programs.
Now, instead of sticking to Fort Detrick in the U.S. to build these risky biolabs, lets partner will allied countries and build and operate close to Russian and Chinese borders!! In retrospect, it now seems amazing that Russia and/or China hadn't moved unilaterally and militarily to offset this growing threat along their entire borders.
If the U.N. continues to obfuscate these clear facts and continues to hammer Russia on Ukraine, the World will clearly understand that the U.N. has been compd by the U.S./Cabal. At the very least, ALL of the 30 countries with U.S. biolabs built under the Biological Threat Reduction Program SHOULD abstain from any and all U.N. discussion and resolution of this immediate risk of war and potential triggering of WW III.
Translation: "Scrub Your Biolabs and Trafficking Tunnels thoroughly!!"