I have to go to feed my bear and drink vodka and play my balalaika right now.
In Russia, in the Kaluga region, a replica of the Tower of Babel was burned. According to biblical tradition, the Tower of Babel is mankind's first attempt to build a world empire that would unite all the peoples & nations that inhabited the earth. It is mankind's first attempt to challenge God and take His place. It was God Himself who destroyed the tower. The fact that they have just now decided to burn a replica of the Tower of Babel during this years Maslenitsa ritual, has a clear symbolic meaning. They are telling the powers that be that their one world government has finally gone up in smoke. I believe the NW0 is being stopped. This is Biblical. May God bless & protect us from all of the worlds evil in Jesus name!
Actor, Filmmaker, Author and Co-Founder of @CoreResponse