Look at all the seats open in CA primary that need people to run:
The regular candidate filing period for the June 7th primary closed Friday evening. Hours later, the Secretary of State published its list of races where no inucmbent had filed and whose filing periods would be extended through Wednesday.
The close of candidate filing produced one final surprise–Assemblyman Mark Stone did not file for re-election, and announced his retirement the following day.
Filing extensions in these districts:
ASSEMBLY (26 / 80)
AD05 AD10 AD11 AD12 AD17 AD20 AD21 AD22 AD27 AD28 AD30 AD35 AD37
AD39 AD47 AD51 AD60 AD61 AD63 AD64 AD68 AD69 AD70 AD71 AD72 AD80
STATE SENATE (10 / 40)
SD04 SD06 SD08 SD10 SD18
SD20 SD28 SD32 SD36 SD38
CONGRESS (5 / 52)
CA03 CA13 CA15 CA37 CA42