>I called and spoke to a Mike at Spectrum
Is his last name Hunt?
I've met a few.
It is Jaren Miles, head of global community development for @Meta / Facebook. He was caught trying to meet a 13-year-old boy in his hotel room.
((Side Note: Pedophiles are evil monsters; not victims. Every time a pedophile is caught - they cry and play the victim. It wasn't their fault. The child made them do it. Whatever lame excuses they can come up with. There is no love in pedophilia. When a pedo touches a child it is always about control, power, fear, pain, secrecy. That's not love. That's a predator. When they are busted, they play like they are the victim. Weak. Timid. Pathetic. Just watch this guy and see. That's how they do.))