Been doing a little digging on Kuru and related matters. Because the elite are inbred over centuries hereditary problems arise in the form of various genetic deficiencies such as haemophilia and porphyria. So the elite think it’s necessary to consume young human blood in order to counter their own inability to produce sufficient or normal blood. A centuries old practice.
Thinking about Peter Thiel and his venture Ambrosia (which offers “young blood transfusions” aka parabiosis) I stumbled upon this quote:
“Anyone seeking to practice parabiosis privately would quickly encounter the question of where to obtain sufficient quantities of young people's blood. But human blood isn't available for purchase to just anybody.”
Knowing what we know that is one hell of a throwaway line. Not saying Ambrosia are responsible but half a million kids go missing every year in the US alone. Never seen again. If they were "running away," wouldn't we see more homeless kids?
Godspeed POTUS & Q team.