You might be right. However, the most dangerous guy sitting around a poker table is the one who acts like he doesn't know what he is doing.
You might be right. However, the most dangerous guy sitting around a poker table is the one who acts like he doesn't know what he is doing.
Yeah, that's a major slap in Abe's face for the Japanese. Maybe on purpose as Abe family is deep state since the war and his approval ratings are tanking.
So, it is just your speculation.
Q said GEOTUS would be out of the country when the SHTF. Well, he will be out of the country on 6/11.
As for JA, who among us has any verified information about him at all?
Wait for useful idiots like Stirewalt to try to walk away from all this without paying a price for his BS.
They won't be able to walk the streets.
He and Dana were set up as closet anti-Trumpers. Except they left the closet door open.
I think the Bushes and many of their associates are going down, too.
It is what obsession looks like and we are forced to live it every day. Like working in a mental ward.
Agreed. Everybody wants to know what happened to JFK but the idolizing here is too much.
Perhaps he had good intentions but he was not smart enough to get anything done. And possibly because of his inept actions, the deep state owned our government outright through intimidation of those who would not play ball by pointing out what happens to people who fight them.
Enough of Camelot. It wasn't.