I seriously can not figure out why people are freaking out over this. Gowdy has once again taken the middle road in order to maintain the perception of non bias. It hilarious has fast we have to throw the training wheels on this board again every time Q stops posting for any length of time. Until you see something that ACTUALLY derails what is happening, please STOP panicking everyone! Literally all it would take is for Q to come on here today and say "trust Gowdy", and everyone would calm down. Do you not see how juvenile it is to need that kind of constant reassurance? At this point in the game you should have already made the decision. You are all in and trust what Q has said, or you are out and believe Q is a deep state psyop. I for one am all in. And to all you anons with the maturity and patience to see the masterful game afoot, God bless you.