Anonymous ID: 40c82b March 14, 2022, 4:29 p.m. No.15863993   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4011 >>4071 >>4102 >>4632

Florida judge bans release of Bob Saget's autopsy records, photos and videos at request of his widow and daughters three months after comic died of accidental head injuries in Orlando hotel room


A Florida judge has banned permanently the publication of information about the circumstances surrounding Bob Saget's death

Saget, 65, died in an Orlando hotel room on January 9 from a head injury sustained before he fell asleep after a show

The family said they believe he banged his head and went to bed; medical experts, looking at the records, said it appeared he had suffered severe force

Saget's relatives filed a suit in February seeking to stop the release of records from local medical examiner's office and the Orange County Sheriff's Office

They said that they did not want the continued interest in and speculation about his cause of death, saying it was too painful


A judge in Florida on Monday agreed to make permanent an order that prohibits the release of photos, video or other records related to the investigation into the death of comedian Bob Saget.


During a court hearing in Orlando, Circuit Judge Vincent Chiu said he would issue a permanent injunction that had been requested by Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, and his three daughters. The funnyman died in his Orlando hotel room after a stand-up show on January 9 this year, and is believed to have suffered an accidental head injury that ultimately proved fatal.


Saget was found dead in bed, sparking speculation about what had caused his injuries. One theory that has since emerged is that he fell in his hotel's tiled bathroom and fatally-injured himself, but managed to crawl back into his bed before succumbing to his wounds.


Rizzo, 42, a food blogger, and his his three daughters - Aubrey, 34; Lara, 32, and Jennifer, 29, whom he shared with ex-wife Sherri Kramer - petitioned to stop the release of further information about the 'Full House' star's death, which was ruled an accident with no suspected foul play.


The family members had filed a lawsuit seeking to stop the release of any records from the local medical examiner's office and the Orange County Sheriff's Office involving the investigation into Saget's death.

Anonymous ID: 40c82b March 14, 2022, 4:49 p.m. No.15864129   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4632

Kremlin Responds To US Claim Putin "Frustrated" Over Ukraine Operation, Says Military Was Told 'Avoid Storming Major Cities'


Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak indicated Monday that the fourth round of Ukraine-Russia negotiations for a ceasefire hadn't made much progress after they went for five hours. He said the stated aims of the talks are "on peace, ceasefire, immediate withdrawal of troops and security guarantees."


"Although Russia realizes the nonsense of its aggressive actions, it still has a delusion that 19 days of violence against [Ukraine's] peaceful cities is the right strategy," he stated in a social media post. "The parties actively express their specified positions. Communication is being held yet it’s hard," added, and included an image of the talks which are taking place via Zoom (unlike the prior three rounds which were in person just inside Belarus. "The reason for the discord is too different political systems."


Despite lately citing progress in talks, Moscow appears not at all in the mood to compromise, given a flurry of statements out the defense ministry on Monday, including a statement indicating the military "does not rule out" placing major Ukrainian cities under "full control" to ensure the security of civilians". This after Russia's military is coming under Western and international condemnation over civilian deaths, and is accused of repeatedly breaking agreements for humanitarian evacuation corridors.


The Kremlin has also described that the military operation was carefully planned implemented with a key aim to avoid direct attacks on major population centers and to not result in civilian casualties, according to Reuters.


However, the statement charged that the US and EU are currently trying to "temp Russia into attack major population centers" which the Kremlin deems "a provocation".

Anonymous ID: 40c82b March 14, 2022, 5:02 p.m. No.15864258   🗄️.is đź”—kun

There is fuckery afoot

Anonymous ID: 40c82b March 14, 2022, 5:46 p.m. No.15864567   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4589 >>4632

Texas teens find four abandoned children under 4 years old. Police said they had been alone for up to 2 days.


The oldest told police they thought their mother was dead


A group of teenagers is being praised for their actions after they found four young children abandoned in a suburb of Houston, Texas.


Police in the city of Spring said they were alerted about the children on Thursday at about 11 p.m.


The teenagers said they saw three very young children roaming outside of a home. When they investigated, they found another baby inside the home.


They called their parents who alerted the police.


Two of the teenagers described to KRIV-TV what they saw when they encountered the children.


"Running up to us, screaming with excitement, like 'Oh my gosh, people,'" said Lizette Lingle. "One just rips off the diaper and comes running in the street naked."


"We knocked on their front door. Nobody answered," said Jonathan Ubeda. "We looked through their front window. Everything's a mess."


They were about to leave when they heard a sound.


"When we left out the house, my girlfriend heard like a thump, like BOOM, then a baby started crying, and when she goes back there to look, it's a whole little one-year-old baby," Ubeda continued.


Police said it was unclear how long the children were alone, but that it could have been for up to two days.


The oldest of the children, who was four years old, told police that they believed their mother was dead.


But she was not dead, and police found her at a motel miles away from the home.


Police charged 27-year-old Angela Huff, the mother of the children, with four counts of child abandonment.


On Monday, Huff told a judge that she didn't have friends or family to help with the children. The judge told her to focus on her mental health.


Huff's attorney told the court that her client suffered from PTSD, anxiety, paranoia, and depression from an incident where the children's father was charged with choking her in a hotel room.


Prosecutors said Huff initially told police she left the children with a friend but later admitted she had left them unsupervised.


“So the dynamic was probably that she she felt compelled. He’s the father of her children,” Huff's attorney, a public defender, said. “I think there’s probably some battered spouse syndrome in there.”


The children were put in the custody of a trusted relative.

Anonymous ID: 40c82b March 14, 2022, 5:50 p.m. No.15864600   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4632

More Damning Evidence Surfaces Against Hillary Clinton in Durham Probe


One top Republican is warning that while more damning information continues to surface, Hillary Clinton appears to be off the hook in terms of Special Counsel John Durham’s criminal inquiry.


During an interview with journalist Sharyl Attkisson, California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa argued that Durham’s investigation into the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation has taken too long.


“Justice delayed is justice denied is not some sort of a trite statement. It’s very true,” Issa told Attkisson.


“Anything that comes out of the Durham report,” Issa said before stopping to scoff and shake his head. “It could lynch Hillary Clinton, and it wouldn’t change a thing.”


“The fact is, the time has passed. It is pretty irrelevant, except it’s a lesson to Congress that putting real-time limits and putting real meat in activities, including inspector general’s reports and so on, is more important than ever. The time it takes to complete an investigation, or the time it takes for Congress to get to the truth, impacts whether or not you’re going to get the truth and compliance in a timely fashion. If you can hold an administration accountable in real-time, they will cooperate. If they know they can run out the clock, as they often do, they won’t,” Issa said.


Last week, a federal judge rejected a bid by Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann to “strike” a “factual background” section of Special Counsel John Durham’s early February court filing.


Last month, Sussmann’s legal team filed a motion demanding that the court remove portions of the Feb. 11 filing that included the “Factual Background” section by claiming that it would “taint” a jury.


“I’m not going to strike anything from the record,” noted U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Christopher Cooper during a status hearing. “Whatever effect the filing has had has already passed.”


The Epoch Times reported in February:


…Sussmann was representing the Clinton campaign when in 2016 he passed along information to an FBI counsel. His lawyers say the documents “raised national security concerns” while prosecutors describe them as purportedly detailing a covert channel between a Russian bank and the business of Donald Trump, Clinton’s rival at the time.


Sussmann was charged with lying to the FBI because he falsely told the counsel he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client despite presenting the information on behalf of the Clinton campaign, prosecutors say.


In a filing in February, Sussmann’s lawyers moved to dismiss the charge, claiming their client “did not make any false statement to the FBI” but even if he had, “the false statement alleged in the indictment is immaterial as a matter of law.”


“Allowing this case to go forward would risk criminalizing ordinary conduct, raise First Amendment concerns, dissuade honest citizens from coming forward with tips, and chill the advocacy of lawyers who interact with the government,” the filing stated.