what does a welfare check smell like?
why did you sniff it?
man wins he becomes an instrument of god to correct mankind
not all watermelon lovers are degenerates
project looking glass achieved one thing it showed them they were not in control of the future and they could only delay the emergence of the event but never prevent it. its not an end of the world its the end of their control over it.
that is because evolution does not occur when people can survive without supporting themselves everyone else takes care of them they are the definition of a true bum
yeah lookup the project looking glass it kept showing them the same reality one that they were not in control of they shut it down because they did not want any of the data of the event to be known to anyone that shows them losing control
fucking a right this is truth and essential for survival
its the white mans fault they took care of them allowing them to overbreed now we are all paying the price
heres a fun factoid for ya did ya know saint nick aka santa claus was the patron saint of the retarded and pawnbrokers. christmas is a celebration for the retarded.
who do you plan to call when nobody else has service?
they call it a disaster but methinks not just a disaster for them
man opressed his own species this cause created the effect of evolutionary advancement
why is it people never apply critical thinking to religion?
look individually wrapped packets of insanity