Have you ever tripped balls on magic mushrooms fren?
Why are you incapable of handling the truth or even capable of discussion of certain matters?
You're ok with useless Africans being dropped off into Europe by the thousands per month by Soros funded orgs? It's only going to accelerate. Look how easily weapons were sent to Ukraine. All it will take is some refugee freedom fighting movement to arm them all and Europe will be completely destabilized.
Things are already divided, it can't get much worse.
[They] want you stoned to reduce blood-flow to your brain. Weed makes you too relaxed, we're not living in times to be too relaxed. Modern weed is a hard-drug because of the high THC content; it's not like the stuff your parents or grandparents wre smoking. It accelerates Schizophrenia and is habit-forming similar to an addiction to coffee. Even the outdoor stuff from Mexico is complete trash. Who knows what they're putting in that stuff to maximize profits and keep you hooked.
In terms of CBD oil and its benefits, sure it can be useful but, highly overpriced; there are better and cheaper alternatives.
It makes you more docile too, not just the reduce bloodflow to your brain part, which causes shrinkage over time similar to benzos.
Did I say genocide all Blacks? No. Keep them in Africa and love them from afar until they catch up with the rest of us. There is still no successful, self-sustaining African country. South Africa was built by Whites, and now China is building it. Blacks are a cursed bloodline, they did it to themselves. Look up Voodoo, it is the most vile practice in the Universe and it stems from South Africa.
Don't fall for the shill weed propaganda on here, it's the same damn script day in and day out. They are unable to create new things. Remember Wolf of Wall St where they just follow the same script? Effective at the beginning but always crashes and burns because it just becomes too obvious. In general too, shills always use the same scripts, they can only mimic, not create. They are Neanderthals lacking advanced prefrontal cortex imaginative brain function.
I love everyone, sometimes the best thing to do for someone is to send them back where the fuck they came from and airdrop some books and food, best I can do for now until I fix my own shit.
You actually don't even know anything or have any value / knowledge; filthy non-schizo.
There are tons of people that quit Heroin by smoking pot. It's a medicine; not to be fucked with.
I used to weed to quit cigs, worked effectively but I just ended up starting an even worse addiction that was even more expensive. At least it wasn't destroying my body though. Was stuck in a weed addiction for ~4 years, has been really bad for the last 1.5. Only recently did I quit and wow, the difference is unreal. I'm not just against weed for no reason, it seriously slows you down and makes you docile. No wonder [they] post the same memes, same written scripts everyday, to trigger anons to keep smoking.