God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
The Newark shit-talkers
The legendary entirely obscene new joyzee language has only native 3 born speakers left.
The rest of em? The shit-talkers today talk like the Irish
some words are original
no doubt, some are very old.
Other words are supposedly new; butt no one knows which be which 4 show, or how the "Fylphrazzes" were pronounced or, if they were pronounced, whether or not it sounded anything like grunts of a grabbit-rabbit colony dying of leptospirosis deep underground.
We will never forget our Shit-talkers, and how they saved us, driving the exclaiming pedovores back on death blossom day.
DB Day' is only holiday with no anniversary.
"The forehead and the little ears, went where Stalin kept the years"