Sometime around 13-14yrs old I embraced by big Jew nose, started telling people that it was a power symbol and "Chicks dig the big nose"
Some time after that, I began experiencing girls telling me how they liked my big nose.
Perception really does create reality.
>Daughter of Hawt Mom.
Hilton replacements ever since Paris started speaking out against globohomo.
>he had good intentions
probably did, but he got usurped.
He had a couple medals of commendation for bravery as well as what would equal a purple heart. However, just like all energy in this matrix, it gets directed to nefarious matters. When you look at Adolphs paintings and read his message, he was sincere, but when you play the game you are subject to the game makers.
>ink to where I can find more about this?
there's only 2 races in the realm, Anon. Jews and Gentiles.
Just don't get wrapped up in the "All Jews" argument. If you want to find a homogeneous group that is out to kill you, look to the Pharmaceutical industry.
Socrates was 74 years old, 3500 years ago, when he was put to death for what would amount to seditious conspiracy today. ie: Inciting the Youth to think against the government. In essence, he was the first grabbler of textual record, but he was 74 years old and not a mention of his ageโฆ
3,500 years agoโฆ
>Putin on the Ritz
>Russia is against evil nwo
KGB is a precursor to OSS, which is a precursor to CIA.
America will be find on our own. We don't need the bankers, we don't need the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Hoffmans or any other banking cartel bloodlines.
Let em go, bro. We may have to dig a few holes for a few generations, but there is god in that thar dirt!
>You think that faggot can fight?
That's the thing, though. I don't really care if he can or not. Win or lose, I just want to fight him. I want to know what's in his heart.
what did he give to the fight, 14 years in that asylum?
Martyr'd, Anon
Never forget their names.
and, of course, 144,000 Anonymous
it still hurts to think about, Anon. No greater calling, no further falling.
Dude lost about a million of his own fiat fighting the fight, Anon. Some that are closest to the target, cannot see what's before them. General Flynn is an ally. He's proved it.
>Doug Emhoff, tested positive for Covid-19
>He still has no Secret Service code name
Of course, there's no way of knowing what's really coming, but on the off chance that it's ships and Antarctica for those of us who absolutely must know regardless of the consequence, harm to our person or mind, I just want this post to stand as my consent to lobotomize me senpai! So long as I get to the true root of this realm, I'm in!
>Probably some Kiwis and AUs too.
Never forget the French
Those little fuckers never miss an opportunity to desecrate some innocent country
>Donโt you get tired of Losing?