Where is your precious Q now?
Your god has abandoned you
Turn your lives and your faith over to Jesus;
The true liberator
The true patriot
The all powerful all loving God
Where is your precious Q now?
Your god has abandoned you
Turn your lives and your faith over to Jesus;
The true liberator
The true patriot
The all powerful all loving God
Interesting how quick Q's disciples are to crucify anyone who questions their golden calf
Reminds me of another group of people who were prone to demanding death for those who challenged their "power"
Wikileaks says pied piper campaign - I'm beginning to agree more and more every day
I was just speculating about this same thing with my wife the other day
I can imagine the Bush's Obama's and Clinton's all sitting with Trump laughing about how they'll all team up and pretend to hate Trump to lend legitimacy to his presidency
We're all being played
Swamp's not being drained… the walls around us are just closing in tighter, making it appear as though the swamp is receding