Why was this post deleted from ETS's twitter feed?
Not here to defend ETS, but you need to reconsider what s/he has said:
S/he works for the NSA as a computer nerd and has been there for 5 years and has access to unlimited intel (most likely all BS but….what do we really know about Q?)
S/he is not Q or part of the Q team. Only the Q team says No Outside Comms. So s/he is free to comment like anyone else on the net.
S/he supports Q and hasn't actually provided any intel other than to tell us sh*ts going down on 11 June (the date the IG report goes public) so I for one haven't been whipped into a frenzy. There is no attempt to divide as best as I can see.
But then again if you are worried I guess that the rest of us should be as well….
And you know this to be a fact. How?
Do we know if that 2006 tweet by @jack is anywhere else on the net, or does ETS really have access to some good sh*t?