Agreed. Q did not add the trip for another five days. During that time there were other anons making fake Q posts. When this "trip added" post happened, he started it out with the [C][I][A] warning about misdirection, and pointed out that some of the links were to false graphics, which were made by someone who included the false posts.
[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.
Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.
Attached gr[A]phic is correct.
Linked graphics are incorrect and false.
Those of us who were living and breathing this to the exclusion of all else in life, and maintaining our own local archives of the posts as they happened, had valid data to refer to. But as time went on, with the unprecedented faggotry of Pamphlet/Baruch, Antischool/Farmer doing interviews on Infowars, and AJ trying to coopt Q and substitute Zach, it truly was a coordinated CLOWN effort to misdirect. There was confusion and it became more difficult to maintain a good local archive for reference. The scrapers began to come into being, they were convenient, and new anons came in relying on them as gospel, instead of having the original posts. The memories of the posts & comments, as they had come into being, were lost to many.
ETS may just be having fun, certainly there is much entertainment in his presentation style, but atm, because Q's 'trip added' post can be seen as a direct timely response to 'coordinated misdirections' like Q=Alice, this 'checksum error' in the ETS narrative is poison.
The young java coder in the Fort, becoming in a few days, the vest wearing operator taking a bullet that didn't cause any thoracic bruising beyond the small bandage, only strains one's gullibility index. But Q=Alice has verifiable data in the halfchan archive, that can be linked to glowclowns coordinating misdirection, according to Q's own post. It's a splinter in the mind.