Dammit man, proven. this fucker so fake he doesn't know he has this thread dedication…I was interested and cautiously gleeful at first, but when he pulled the fake ass twatter hack, that was it. I could do that shit, and im techtarded. Come on doood, that was fookin gay
Ok, lets reason together. I can be empathic, I concur re: red-pilling masses via twittersphere - that is where the new news come from, right? I give you that, no doubt. We need to get to that. Super-terrific-happy-fun-times just to get it out there to my mom and dad, nieces and nephews. Red-pill the masses. Wonderful. But that's no REASON to ignore the red flags…those flaming, bright, shiny, flickering, brighter than the sun, red flags. That stunt with the hacked account is enough to show fakery, seriously. Seriously. Of course he doesnt want to take anything away from Q and whole-heartedly endorses Q - I would do the same if I were evil. I would come as an angel of Light and Reason. His genius is that he comes bringing you and me the muchly-hungered-for gifts of P-incorrect-C wit and sarcasm…although I can do without the weak-ass 'I pulls me sword out and lops me opponents ballz off routine [I'm in a Vuh-Vuh-Vidya Gayme!]. Come on, man. seriously. This is some serious shit we're dealing with. And BC17?? - evidently, this twat is from the same IP address. Come. On. DOOOOD. I think Bill has the right take on this one. But, then again, I'm just a "F*ckwit"
Agreed..BUT..intel from shills = shillintel
Best LIES (and jokes) come from a base of TRUTH
Beauty is - nothing (you, me, my fookin opinion) can stop whats happening. Well said. We are the audience, peeps.
I know, trying reeeeal hard, I know. Passion and beers
Your just being here says that you could answer those same questions…but, would you fake a hack to gain street cred? Fuckin BS
Im just hyperskeptical and paranoid - and this thread only has 196(now 7) replies…not much attention either way, which I though curious myself. ANTI-ETS team indeed. Sorry (only because I hate deceit) but I fuckin LOVE my right to be skeptical.
**Correction - 198 replies now that NR showed up
yup, no doubt, I already paid for that waterfront property once…that bitch was a fucker