Good post from general: >>1642294
>NO private comms past/present/future.
>NO comms made outside of this platform.
Let's examine exactly what this means.
>NO private comms past/present/future.
Q hasn't spoken directly to any one outside of the need to know persons, about this mission. All who have/will claim otherwise, are lying.
>NO comms made outside of this platform.
Q ONLY posts on 8chan as of the date of that writing (Jan 8, 2018). Any posts claiming to be from Q outside of 8chan are FAKE AND GAY.
Does the above mean that no one can talk about Q outside of 8? No. Does it mean to disregard all who speak of Q outside of 8chan? No. Does it mean that no one can take info from this one source board and make it public? No.
What makes ETS's twitter any different than anons here who have already created twitter accounts to reach the public??? The fact that has has more followers than some of us? What's the problem there? He's reaching more people. GREAT, because that's EXACTLY what we are supposed to do.
Having said all of that, do I trust ETS? No. Like most things in life it's 50/50. He's either helping the cause, or larping & hurting it. I don't see the harm as of yet. If he turncoats like others who shall remain unnamed have, it'll be obvious & I'll call him out on it. Until then, to me he's an anon with a popular, and entertaining (Enjoy the show) twitter account, who may or may not be NSA. Spreading the word of Q (along with his own personal knowledge) to the public in a way that keeps them engaged, because we CERTAINLY would rather not have the public flocking here.
inb4 "why are you blindly following him? Q said…", I blindly follow none, not even Q. I even ask God for proof. With this getting bigger & bigger (read: not restricted to 8chan any more) turned my paranoia (fear) off, & kept the healthy skepticism. Simply stated, I'm not cynical, nor a follower of anons consensus either. I can think for myself, thanks much.
>This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.
>Important to be prepared.
>We will help.
Get used to it. It's not stopping anytime soon. D5 is under way.